Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Everyone on our side of the courtroom exploded into shrieks of delight and cheers, but all I could manage to do was sit there in shock. My mouth was hanging open and my hands were covering it as I stared at nothing, unable to process anything. Luke threw himself on me, clapping his hands on my cheeks and kissing my forehead happily. I smiled when he did that, almost subconsciously, but I was still in shock. It soon passed, thank God, and I jumped up as well. I threw my arms around Ashton first and hugged him happily before hugging Luke as well.

Liz and Rick were shaking the lawyers and everyone else's hands while we went to wait for everyone outside. I was still overwhelmed but also incredibly relieved. I felt as though someone had taken a huge weight off my shoulders. Luke's arm was around my waist, always wanting to touch me when he was relieved, and Ashton came up behind us and wrapped his around my shoulders, clapping his hand on Luke's shoulder.

"What did I tell you? I told you we would win! I should have put money on that!" he exclaimed happily, tightened his grip on both of us. I laughed, a smile etching its way onto my face as I ducked my head into his neck.

He was still going on and on, obviously incredibly excited, and eventually I started talking excitedly with him, my shock slowly going away. All three of us were talking excitedly outside of the courtroom, being loud, obnoxious youths that made the lawyers look at us with disdain. I was facing Luke and Ashton, talking about how Rae was going to get my old room, the guestroom, when they both suddenly got glares on their faces, Luke looking as though he was restraining himself from reaching over and pulling me into him. I turned around and saw that everyone had left the courtroom and was now everywhere in the hall, talking to one another. Liz and Rick were nowhere to be found, most likely off talking some more with their lawyer, but the reason the boys were glaring was because my father was coming over towards us. But for some reason, probably because I was so happy, I couldn't find the energy to get mad at him.

"Danielle, boys." He greeted, standing in front of us with a blank expression on his face.

"Can we help you Mr. Winchester?" Ashton asked, his voice tight. I could tell that he was trying his best not to get mad at him. I stuck my hand out behind me and open and closed my fingers, signalling for him to take my hand. He did and squeezed it tightly, thankfully.

"I just wanted to say congratulations on winning the case." He said, speaking carefully. I had a feeling that he was about to say something horrible, but he didn't say anything else.

"Thank you. Sorry you lost." Luke said curtly, obviously not sorry at all. I could feel his hand on my wrist, about to pull me back, but I shook him loose.

"I hope you will allow me to visit some time." He still had this edge to his voice and I had no idea what he was playing at. I wasn't going to respond to him though, not wanting him to ruin the good mood I was in, but I wanted to know why he was speaking he way he was. Most likely to keep himself from yelling, I assumed. He never liked losing.

"It isn't up to us, it's up to our parents. They're the ones who won custody." Luke said, stepping forwards so he was standing next to me. He sounded pissed just by him so much as asking that and I knew it was incredibly obvious that none of us wanted him here. Yet he wasn't taking the hint. "But if it were up to us, I don't think it would be such a good idea."

"She's still my daughter. You can't keep me from seeing her." He growled, his teeth grinding together in anger.

"Biologically. Legally, she's under the custody of my parents now so technically, that makes her their daughter." Luke snapped back, not taking the anger my father was directing at him. He looked over Daniel's shoulder and saw his mother, who was watching us carefully. His hand grabbed mine, coincidentally it was my left and he was sure to flash my engagement ring as he pulled my hand in. We were in a chain now, all three of us holding hands. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have to go. Always nice talking to you, Daniel."

He began walking away, leading Ashton and I away. Even though I knew I shouldn't have, I looked over my shoulder at my father, whose lawyer was now speaking to him with his hand on his shoulder. It looked like he was consoling him for the loss of the case, but I don't think that he was listening. He was too busy glaring at the back of my fiancé's head. I looked away when we made eye contact and looked over at Liz instead, who held out her hand and placed it on her son's arm.

"What did he say to you?" she all but demanded, looking past us to look at my dad.

"Nothing. He just wanted to say congratulations. Right, Ash?" Luke explained, giving Ashton a look that clearly said to play along. I gave him an identical look, not wanting anyone to feel Liz's wrath, so Ashton just smiled and nodded, playing along with Luke's lie.

She didn't believe them, but nevertheless she nodded her head and told us that they were going to be hanging around the courthouse a little longer, but we should go home and start dinner for everyone. I asked if they would be picking up Rae today, but she told me that we were getting her tomorrow, so she had enough time to say goodbye to the friends she had met at school and pack her things. I nodded my head and we all headed out of the court. Ashton said he would go and get groceries so we could make chicken parm or something and Luke and I got into his car to go pick up the twins. We parted ways and drove the short drive to Zoe's house. I basically barged in, using the key her mom had made for me when I was living there to my advantage.

"Dani? Is that you?" I heard Calum call out from the kitchen, followed by Dahlia's giggle. I basically abandoned Luke at the front door and sprinted into the room. Zoe was sitting in a chair, feeding Jon from a bottle, while Michael was holding Dahlia in his lap, Calum sat on the floor in front of them, tickling her.

"How'd it go, how'd it go?" Zoe basically squealed, standing up and coming over to me. Jon stopped suckling at the bottle when he saw me, obviously not focused on that anymore, and Zoe brought him up so that she could burp him.

"We won." I grinned, watching as she tried to restrain herself from jumping me to wrap me in a hug. I laughed at the look on her face and came closer, running my fingers through Jon's growing, dark hair as Zoe burped him. "We're picking her up tomorrow."

"God, Dan, I'm so happy for you. This is amazing." She gushed, cooing at the baby when he finally burped before handing him over to me. I cradled the baby in my arms and he cooed and grabbed at the hair hanging loose around my shoulders. He brought it to his mouth and started trying to eat it, making me laugh as I pulled it away.

"I'm so excited. I doubt I'm going to sleep tonight." I laughed.

She wrapped an arm around me, careful not to crush the baby. I hugged her back before turning around and looking over at the boys, who were all gushing over Dahlia. Calum was still tickling her, making her giggle and smile, which made me mimic her.

We talked to everyone for a little while longer, all of us gushing over the babies and congratulating us on winning. Eventually, however, Ashton texted me and said we needed to come home because he needed help cooking and we left the house. I got both of the babies into their car seats and we drove home, the ride thankfully not taking too long because Dahlia started to cry, triggering her brother. They most likely didn't get a nap today and were cranky because of it.

I got Dahlia out of her car seat and calmed her down, while Luke did the same to Jonathon. I walked over to Luke and Jon and started reciting Peter Pan from memory, watching as they both stopped crying and began looking at me with tired eyes, not looking away as the front door opened and Ashton looked out to see what was taking us so long outside.

They both fell asleep in our arms and we brought them inside. I placed Dahlia down in one of the two beds we had in the living room, Luke placing Jon down in the other and we let them sleep before heading into the kitchen to help Ashton, who had gone back in while we put the babies down.

"Good job back there, superstar." Luke congratulated, grinning at me. I hummed in acknowledgment and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his cheek, feeling him embrace me while I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Could you two come in here and help me before I burn the kitchen down?" Ashton called from the kitchen, obviously annoyed by our procrastination. I sighed into the muscle of his shoulder and pulled away, unwrapping his arms from around me and walking into the kitchen.

A/N- Again, I am so sorry that this took so long and that this chapter is so short. I promise the chapters will be longer now that the writers block is gone. Thank you for being so patient! Xo

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