Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It had been a month since I gave birth and I had hardly left the house. Whenever I did, it was just to take a walk around the block with Alexis or Zoe and it was never without the twins in their double stroller. Somehow, Liz had convinced me that I should go out be a teenager while I still had the chance and I agreed. Zoe invited Luke and I over so we could go out for lunch with her and Michael and, miraculously, I agreed to her offer. So I took an effort to look decent and prepared for my day. After I was ready and had given Liz about a thousand different instructions, Luke had to physically pick me up and carry me out of the house so we could get to Zoe's on time. As we drove there, I tapped my fingers on my arm nervously and Luke noticed, reaching over and prying my hand off my arm and taking hold of it.

"Stop worrying, would you?" he begged, taking his eyes off the road for a second to look at me. "We'll only be gone for a few hours."

"It's not too late, we could go home." I bargained. "Zoe won't mind. She'll understand."

"Babe," Luke started sternly, though I knew his tone was bullshit. "We are leaving the house for a few hours to hang out with friends, okay? You're going to overwork yourself and go nuts if you keep trying to take care of them 24/7. Mum's got them."

I nodded my head, though I still wasn't eager to leave them. We drove for a while until we reached Zoe's house. I had a key so when we got out of the car I just checked to see if it was unlocked before unlocking it and walking inside. Luke wasn't far behind but the minute I got inside, I stopped walking and he slammed into my back. We both stumbled forwards from the impact and that got the attention of the three people on the couch. Michael snickered at us both, Zoe had an extremely apologetic look on her face and the third person smiled at us both brightly before standing up and giving me a hug. I hugged her back stiffly and stared at Zoe, confused, silently asking what the hell she was doing here. She just shrugged her shoulders and mouthed that she would explain later. She pulled back and smiled at me before looking at Luke.

"Elle, who's this?" she asked, not at all noticing how uncomfortable I was. I nearly cringed at the old nickname.

"Natalie, this is my boyfriend, Luke. Luke, this is Natalie." I introduced, trying not to sound as uncomfortable as I was.

"Oh, so you're into boys again?" Natalie teased, nudging my arm. I laughed awkwardly, swearing in my head.

"Wait, what?" Luke asked. I stared at him now, the only words going through my mind being 'fuck, fuck, fuck.' "Dani, what is she talking about?"

Natalie looked at me, covering her mouth and taking a step back. "Oh, Elle, I'm sorry. I thought he knew."

Luke was about to open his mouth to question what she was taking about when Zoe stood up and asked me if I could come upstairs with her for a second. I eagerly agreed and we left, running upstairs quickly. Michael shouted at us not to take too long because our reservations were in an hour. Zoe had her hand clamped around my wrist as she dragged me upstairs and into her bedroom, shutting the door behind us.

"What the fuck, Zoe?" I demanded, the minute the door shut.

"I know, I'm sorry! She just flew down from California and I didn't know what to do! She wanted to see us so I invited her to lunch." She rambled.

"Zoe, I haven't seen her since the summer of grade ten!" I exclaimed, struggling to keep my voice down. Then, I groaned loudly in frustration. "I haven't even told Luke yet."

She groaned and sat on her bed. "You just had two of his babies and you didn't think to tell him?"

"It was never relevant!" I snapped. We began arguing for a few minutes before I sent Zoe down to get Luke. She huffed and left, shutting the door tightly behind him. After a minute, I could hear him skipping steps as he came up the stairs and the door swung open. He closed it quietly behind him and I figured he was either calm or so pissed that he was calm. He walked over to where I was sitting on the bed and sat down beside me.

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