Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I woke up as Luke's alarm clock went off, blaring death metal so loudly and with so much pride you would think it was the national anthem. The babies had kept me up all night, so I was really only half asleep all night. Nevertheless, I grabbed Luke's phone, not even bothering to escape his death grip, and turned the alarm off before snuggling into his arms.

"Luke," I whispered, bringing my head up to speak into his ear. "Lukey, get up, babe. It's your first day of college." He grunted and pulled me tighter into his chest even though the room was too hot for cuddling. He moaned a no in my ear before digging his head into his pillow. "Luke Robert, get outta bed. It's time to get up and seize the day."

"You sound like a shitty e-card." He groaned before releasing me and swinging his legs over the edge of his bed. He rubbed his face with his hand before reaching over and patting my head and trudging his way over to the bathroom.

I got out of bed as well, not bothering to put on a pair of pants solely because no one came down here in the mornings. I walked into the baby's room and looked into both cribs. Dahlia was the only one awake so I went over to her and grinned.

"Good morning, pretty girl," I cooed, tickling her stomach. She flopped her arms around in front of her, staring up at me as I leaned down and picked her up. I began bouncing slightly and she rested her head on the curve between my shoulder and neck. "Let's get you ready to take daddy to school, yeah?"

I changed her diaper, blowing a raspberry on her stomach before doing so, and fed her before changing her out of her pajamas. Luke came in tugging a shirt over his head and began talking to a now awake Jon.

"Oh, oh, take your girl please. I need to get him ready." I said, picking her back up and handing her to Luke. He grinned at her, kissing her forehead and rocking her. "Go get your breakfast, okay? I fed her already so she should be okay." I lifted Jonathon out of his crib, giving him a big smile and a happy good morning. He reached his hand out and closed his hand around my hair when I tried to put him down and I had to unclasp it. I leaned down and kissed him before looking back up at Luke. "Go and eat please."

He walked over and kissed my temple. I hummed as he craned his head over and kissed the corner of my mouth, moving slowly until he could kiss me on the mouth quickly. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled. "Now go and get ready for your first day of school."

"Yes, mom."

He left the room complaining to Dahlia about me and how he could take care of himself as I sighed. I watched him walk upstairs, keeping one hand on Jon's tummy so he wouldn't fall off the table before sighing again and looking down at the baby.

"Your daddy is very stubborn." I told Jon, who gurgled in what I like to think was agreement. "And he's annoying. Why do we like him, hm? Why?"

I laughed at the voice I was making before repeating what I had done with Dahlia. I fed him, and changed his diaper and clothes. I ran my fingers through his downy hair momentarily before lifting him up and bringing him into my room. I set him down in the middle of the bed and quickly got dressed, throwing my hair up in a loose ponytail to get it out of my way, before picking him up again, taking us both upstairs.

Rick was making his breakfast sandwich, like he did every morning. Liz was pulling on a pair of shoes, getting ready to go to work. She and Rick were both leaving for business trips that day, Liz going to Manhattan and Rick going to Seattle, so I was going to be alone with my boys and my babies. Knowing I wouldn't have time later, I gave Liz a hug goodbye and wished her a safe flight before she gave Jon a kiss and headed out the door. I walked into the kitchen as both the boys sat at the island, shoveling cereal into their mouths. Dahlia was propped up on Luke's lap and I ran over.

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