Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The minute I answered my ringing phone, I heard screaming. I immediately pulled the phone away and winced, still able to hear the screams even though the phone was a foot away from my ear.

“Dani, Dani, Dani, oh my God, Dani!” Alexis’s voice screeched through my cell phone. “Dani, oh my God, holy shit, Dani, you’re not going to believe what just happened to me. Holy fucking shit!”

“What happened, Lex?” I asked with a laugh. It was painfully obvious that she was excited and the joy in her voice made me smile.

“Okay, okay, so I was in the park across from my apartment, walking the dog, right? And so I’m walking and I run into the boys, like, Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn, right? They told me to follow them and I was confused but I was like oh, yeah, okay, and followed them. And they brought me to a little field and there was a whole little picnic set up and Niall was there and he smiled at me and told me to turn around. So I did that and all the boys opened up their sweatshirts and their shirts read out will you marry me. Obviously, I was really, really confused, so I turned around to ask Niall what was going on and he was down on one knee, his bad knee, can you believe that? Oh gosh, he was down on one knee and Rose had a little black box on her collar and he told me to call her so I did and she came over and opened the little box and, oh God, Dani, and there was this beautiful, beautiful diamond ring and he was all smiley and said, so will you? Long story short, Dani, I’m engaged!” she finished her rambling, her voice going up an octave.

“Oh, Lexi, that’s incredible!” I smiled, completely overjoyed for her. Those two were absolutely in love with each other and I really was happy for them, despite their young age. They had been dating long enough to know they genuinely loved one another, so I was all for it. “It’s funny you mention that actually because I have some news for you as well.”

“Ohh, what is it?” I heard her adjust how she was sitting on her bed, probably to stare at her new ring some more. I could hear the smile in her voice, which automatically made me smile as well.

“Okay, uh, I don’t mean to take any attention away from you and your engagement, but I’m engaged too.”

I had to pull the phone away from my ear again as she squealed. I had known her long enough to know that she loved everything to do with marriage. We talked about it a lot. Zoe, Alexis and I always discussed weddings just for the hell of it. Alexis wanted some huge wedding with flowers and doves and over seven hundred guests. She wanted to wear some big, poufy white dress and look and feel like a princess. Zoe was the exact opposite in the location and things like that, wanting a relatively small wedding, but she also wanted to feel like a princess. Both of their boyfriends already made them feel like princesses, so I knew if and when they ever get married, they would be very used to the entire princess thing.

“Dani, oh my God, did he actually propose to you too? Holy shit, do you think they planned this? We could have a double wedding! That would be so fun! Wait, wait, wait, I’m getting off topic. How did it happen? When did it happen? I need details, Winchester, details.” She raved, going on and on. I laughed as quietly as I could, trying to make sure that she couldn’t hear me.

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly say,”

“Dani!” I heard Ashton yell from downstairs. “Can you come here please?”

I shouted back that I would be there in a second and told Lex I would call her back in a little while. She tried to convince me to stay on the phone with her a little longer and tell me more details about my “engagement,” but I insisted that I had to go, almost grateful for Ashton to want to see me. I promised I would call her later and we would schedule some time for us to hang out, and thankfully that satisfied her enough to let me go. I hung up the phone and got out of my room. Liz had taken the babies to meet her mother today, and though I wanted to come with her so I could meet Luke’s grandparents as well, he managed to convince me that I should stay home with him today. But of course, when I tried to do that, he insisted that he had to go to work at the mechanic today, so, as usual, I was stuck with Ashton. And this time I didn’t have two adorable babies to entertain me. I was originally against the idea of the babies going on an hour and a half long car ride, especially because Dahlia had her doctor’s appointment tomorrow, but Luke managed to convince me that they should go too.

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