Chapter 1

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Doctor White came in and checked to see how dilated I was. I was eight centimeters now and she brought in two teams of people from the NICU and told Luke that if he was going to stay, he was going to need to put on some scrubs. He did so, saying that he wanted to see his kids be born. She asked me if that was okay with me and I said it was. A half hour and a little more pain medication later, Doctor White told me I was ten centimeters and that it was time to push. Luke grabbed my hand, knowing I was going to need it. I looked at him in a panic but he just smiled at me.

"You ready to have a baby?"

Chapter 1

I let out another scream as the doctor told me yet again to push. I squeezed Luke's hand even harder, making him gasp and try to pull it away, but I didn't let him. I had been pushing for over an hour and nothing was happening. If that asshole thought I was going to let him go, he had another thing coming. If I was going to be in pain, pain he put me in, he was going to be in pain too.

"One more push, Danielle, I can see a head! You're doing so well, sweetheart!" Doctor White encouraged as I was gasping for breath.

I took another big breathe, trying to regain my breathing before pushing again, screaming loudly and digging my nails into the little crescent shapes I had already left on Luke's hand. He screamed too, letting out a loud "Ow" as I pushed my nails in deeper.

"I hate you!" I screamed at him. "You suck, you suck, you suck, you suck!"

"I know!" he yelled back. "I already said I was sorry!"

He had. I had already screamed that at him four times. And he had repeated himself too. Four times.

Doctor White said that I only needed to push a few more times until the baby was out and I cried out again as I pushed. I hated this. I was crying and I was sweaty and it was disgusting. I never wanted to do it again but I still had one more after. At this moment, I wished I were dead. At least if I were dead I wouldn't be in this much pain. I hated Luke for doing this to me. I hated it. I was going to kill him, I swear I was.

I kept pushing, screaming hateful things at Luke as he just kept repeating "I know, you're fine, it's almost over." I was surprised no one's ear drums had burst yet. I was a loud screamer and I hadn't given up yet. It made me wonder if they had earplugs on, because Luke was the only one affected. Finally, after I don't even know how long, the pain stopped. My screaming stopped. A baby's crying filled the room and I sighed in relief, falling back. I heard a nurse asked Luke if he wanted to go and cut the cord and I released him so he could. My hand was sore from squeezing him so hard and I looked up to see him smile as he cut the umbilical cord. The doctor announced it was a boy and I smiled. They cleaned him up a little bit before handing him to me. I took him as carefully as I could and held him. I smiled up at Luke as I held our son. He had the biggest smile on his face, bigger than I had even seen him smile before. I looked back down at my baby and swallowed the lump in my throat. He was so tiny, I hadn't thought he'd be so small. He kept crying though, so I put my finger near his mouth and he sucked on it, looking fairly content in his little blue blanket. I held him for a few more minutes, letting him suck on my finger so he would stop crying before handing him to Luke. Luke took him, looking terrified, but held onto him. He looked down at me, as if asking a question, and I nodded.

"Jonathon Christopher." I said, confirming the name. I loved it.

After a while, the first group of NICU people took our son to go get tests done and get weighed and everything and I went into labor again. This time it didn't take nearly as long as Jonathon did, but it still hurt like a bitch, so it felt like an eternity. Dahlia was born twenty minutes after her brother, and was a little smaller than he was. She also had a bigger set of lungs, screaming loudly the minute she came out. They cleaned her off a little bit and handed her to me. I did the same thing I did to her brother to get her to stop crying and it worked. She looked a lot frailer than he did, and he reminded me of glass. It was probably because they were born a little over a month early. I knew they were going to have to stay in special care for a while and I realized I didn't want them too. I didn't want them to leave my side. I knew this was going to happen. I knew I was going to fall in love with them the second they were born. I found myself relieved that I didn't put them up for adoption. I couldn't bare the thought of being without them and they were only minutes old.

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