A Taken Man

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I thought maybe we would kiss tonight.
Baby will you kiss me already? Just throw your dirty shoes in my washing machine.

Candy put the last plate onto the rack to dry, drying his hands with a towel. He went to go sit down, staring out at the moonlight.

"I love him..." He whispered.

Candy noticed his sister walk by, she was pulling Chester by his arm into the room with her. He noticed Candy, awkwardly waving to him as he went inside. Candy's lips began to quiver, his heart ached. He hated seeing his sister with the man he loved. They were engaged, it was an arranged marriage set up by the family. Candy knew Chester longer than Cindy has, so why should she get to have him? He sat down, turning his head, letting his cheek rest against the cold, empty table.

He begun to cry, he couldn't hold it back anymore. He loved Chester, he wanted Chester. But he wasn't allowed to have him, he was 'reserved' for his sister. The 'golden child' of the family.

"Candy...? What's the matter?"

Candy lifted his face off the table, wiping his tears. His vision was a little stuffy, so he couldn't see who it was.

"Nothing, I'm fine!" He lied.

"You were in here crying. Your clothes are wet, stained with tears." He said.

"I wasn't crying! Really, I wasn't! I was just..." Candy's vision began to come to. He realized who he was talking to, and his eyes widened. "Chester!? What are you doing here!?"

Chester lightly laughed, "I should ask the same about you. Your sister wanted me and her to go over our wedding ceremony. She wouldn't allow me to leave. Once she talked herself to sleep, I kissed her forehead goodnight. That's when, I heard someone crying, and sought out to investigate."

Candy blushed, "I'm fine now. All this crying done wore me out, I think I'll go to bed now."

"I thought you said you wasn't crying." Chester reminded, with a light smirk on his face.

"I wasn't, I wasn't!"

Chester laughed, he took his thumb, wiping Candy's face off for him. "You wanna go get something to eat?"

"Oh...I'm not hungry..."

Just as Candy said that, his stomach growled.

"You're not such a good liar, are you?"

"Well..people lie the most when they're in love..."

"You're in love? Wooow, she's really lucky isnt she!"

"Yeah..he sure is..." Candy mumbled.

"Huh? What was that?"

"N-Nothing! What do you want to eat?"

A Book of Chandy Drafts (Chester x Candy) Where stories live. Discover now