Baby Monitor

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The baby monitor went off, the sound of a fussy newborn could be heard crying. Chester woke up, stretching his body giving himself a moment to get ready. He went down the hall, into Jr's room. Picking him up and patting his back to get him to stop crying.

"You probably want your mom, but he's asleep. So, you're stuck with me until you lie back down." He joked.

Jr stopped crying, Chester felt his butt, and his diaper felt full. He laid him down on the changing mat, unbuttoning his onsie. He lifted his legs up, taking his diaper off.

"That's one stinky baby!" Chester laughed. He took the baby wipes, cleaning Jr off, putting his diaper back on.

Chester lied down Jr, not on his stomach but on his back. He cut the melody box on, to help him sleep faster closing the door.

"He's probably hungry. I should check before he wakes Candy up with his crying." Chester noted. "It's a shame we can't breast feed, as Candy has no boobs."

Chester went downstairs into the kitchen, to prepare Jr a bottle. He warmed it up, making sure it wasn't too hot to burn his tongue.

Back upstairs, in Jr room he picked his son up, sitting down with him in the rocking chair. He held the bottle up to Jr's mouth, to see if he'd drink it. He did, or at least he started to. He was drinking it so fast he started to choke and throw up. Chester turned Jr on his stomach, patting his back while holding his neck. When he was assured that Jr was fine, he tried the bottle again, but Jr didn't want it.

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