Kitty in Heat

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Candy softly purred, laying against Chester. Chester didn't mind it, this was a normal way Candy showed his affection towards him. But, whenever Chester got up, Candy followed, clinging onto him. Whether it was to the bathroom, or to the kitchen, even outside to get the mail. Candy would whine if Chester was too far away from him, and it didn't stop there.

"Chester!!!" Candy whined.

Chester groaned softly, "Candy I'm not going anywhere! Jr needs to be changed, so you gotta wait!"

"He just got changed 20 minutes ago! He's fine!"

"No, Candy. He got changed an hour ago. Then, he took a nice little 40 minute nap." Candy stomped his foot on the ground, crossing his hands and pouting.
Chester rolled his eyes, pecking Candy on the lips, when he pulled apart, Candy let out a soft gasp. He didn't want Chester to let go, he wanted more.

Chester buttoned up Jr's onsie back on, carrying him down the stairs to give him a bottle. Candy followed behind, it was taking everything in Chester not to get rough, and elbow Candy off in annoyance.

"Candy...stop it." Chester told him, the obvious irritation in his voice. Candy backed away from Chester, he was angry now. "Get mad I don't care! You've been being clingy as fuck to me all day! Could barely take a piss without you following me to the damn bathroom! Enough is enough. We have a child to take care of, you're turning into your god damn sister."

"You leave her out of this!"

"Or what? You're not strong enough to beat me." Chester exited the kitchen, rocking Jr in his arms giving him his bottle. Candy watched from afar, he could feel his body getting warmer and warmer. He wanted Chester, not in the way he did before. That, he could drown out, this he couldn't.

A Book of Chandy Drafts (Chester x Candy) Where stories live. Discover now