Sleepy Monke

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"Chester, you've been sleeping all day!" Candy joked.

Chester didn't respond, he remained dead silent. This made Candy nervous, he repeated the joke, hoping that Chester would at least briefly smile. But he didn't. Immediately, Candy began to panic. Shaking Chester's body.

"Chester!? Hey!" He shook him, violently. Tapping his body, pinching his nose. Doing whatever he could to try and wake him up. To no avail.

Chester was a heavy sleeper, it would take a miracle for him to wake up.

"Chester please!" Candy cried, he started to cry, loudly might I add. That got Chester woke. His body flung up, looking around. Candy wiped his tears, looking at Chester sniffing.

"I thought you were dead!" He cried.

"Why would I be dead?" He questioned.

"You've been sleep all day!"

"Really? What time is it?"

"4:57..." He sniffed.

Chester laughed softly, "Los siento." He whispered, kissing Candy's face. "I don't know how, but I ended u

"Look, I promise you I'm okay!" Chester exclaimed, trying to show Candy he was fine— well, better than before by flexing his muscles. Candy shook his head, "You're not.." he said.

A Book of Chandy Drafts (Chester x Candy) Where stories live. Discover now