Whatever this was idk lmao

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"You used to eat Dominican food all the time!" Chester laughed, "Back in highschool remember?"

Candy shook his head, looking at Chester in the eyes. "I remember one time, my mom had packed lunch which was leftovers from dinner. It was Pollo Guisando and Arroz Blanco and I fed it to you. You didn't eat lunch that day, you never really did eat the school lunch so you were always starving yourself. It wasn't your fault, you grew up around people with eating disorders. Anyways, I asked if you wanted some since you were curiously looking at it. I cupped some on the fork, and started feeding it to you. You really liked it, so I let you have the rest." He giggled.

A Book of Chandy Drafts (Chester x Candy) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt