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Inpu A.

I shut the door chuckling, and walked to my office were a stack of paper work sat. I sigh shaking my head. I sit down at my desk grabbing my red pen... A new deal?
I chuckle reading over the document, mmh seems that one of the other mobs have an eye on my dove. Heh they really think a million dollars will get me to sell him. I smirk and write a large NO with the red ink slowly running down the page sinking through. I set it aside and do the rest, several request to "borrow" dove. I snarl seeing how many have been watching us we may need some more security.
I don't trust a lot of the people mostly the leader of the mob a town over... Jakey.
Bryan's pov
My eyes reluctantly opened as pain shot through my body. Tears immediately fill my eyes, as I try to sit up pulling my body back down.
"I see my special dove has woken up~"
I turn my head and see him walking over with a huge smirk on his face
"W-w-whats with the new nickname? " I stutter
"It just sounds better the angel however I'll still call you my angel~"
I slightly blush at the way he said it.
"Now some of the other mob leaders have gotten an eye for you and I protect my pets, so your going to stay as close to me as possible~"
"B-but I can't move sir"
"Oh I know that" he sat down next no my leg and lit a cigarette and blew smoke into my face.
"But dear your just gonna have to deal with me being in here for a little while. " he smirked blowing more smoke making me cough and soon sneeze making my wings flutter slightly.
"Aww such a good little dove mm~" he chuckled and stood up again.
Jakeys pov
I held a picture of inpus new little pet, he looks so adorable I want him. One of my workers walks in with the paper work I sent to inpu asking for a trade his dove for 15 of my men. I smirk holding the paper excited to see his signature agreeing, he normally trades his pets to people all the time, as long as he gets something good in return. I open the folder seeing a huge no in bright red ink.
"GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! " I slam my fist on the desk standing up with fumes comming around me.
"Inpu fucking Anubis you better watch cause I am going to get him weather you like it or not" I chuckle looking at the picture of Bryan.
"I'll get you soon my pet heh"

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