Whenever this was made

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Entry 1

Ok. Hey. I'm not very good at explaining things so bare with me.

I am fourteen now. My name is Tierney. Yeah, I know it's weird and I bet half of you that read my name will not even know how to say it, no offense. Let me explain...tear-knee. Get it? Got it? Good. Haha.

Right now my first string position is pitcher. I know the fast/drop ball, rise, screw and change. I have yet to perfect my rise ball. I am just learning it and my caoch is impressed you could say.

My second string was third base. My coach, when he agreed that I could play for for his twelve and under, taught me how to really throw. I mean, from where I am now and when I was learning to actually catch and throw, is actually amazing. I excelled sooo fast it wasn't even funny. I remember this one tournament, where this girl hit the ball soo hard I couldn't even see it. Acting on instinct I rotated to my right and put my glove out. In one bounce the ball was in my glove! I was so stunned that it took my a second to regain myself and throw it. Don't worry, it was a good throw. I got the girl out when she was sbout half way to first base. The team wanted me to join them next season, but I stuck to my current one.

My third string is short. I have played this position for a little bit over last season. Not as much as third. It was just as exciting as third. Except, and this is sooo embarressing for me, my first tournament. I was soooo bad. I don't know if I should explain it in details. Just trust me on this. you don't wanna know...

Last year, a girl, a very talented girl, was the pitcher for my team. I wasn't jealouse of her until my coach atually found out that I pitched. I kept asking if i was as fast as her, but the answer would always be "Almost. You are like five to ten miles behind." To those who don't know, that;s is actually a BIG difference. It could be the difference of an out and a homerun.

I am sooo NOT jealouse of her anymore. We are pretty good friends. We do like to compete and see who could do more pitches for the speed drill. Haha. We still do...

To let you know I have practice on Fridays and will be having some reandom ones also. I'll post when I can because they end at 8 and I usually get home 9 to 9:30 at night. I will also post after games. Which will start somewhere in March and have scrimages before that. I hope you become a fan of us. I am number 51 on my Thunder 14uC team. I was nominated for the player of the year and made it in the last four finalists. The others were like 16. I didn't make it MVP, but was sooo happy I made it in the final four. Haha. I can't wait for this season. B)

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