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Entry 13

I decided to do this tournament in two parts 'cause I have time to write, and I have Internet.

Eh heh hum...The first game was like any other. We played against the explosion. We won. Jallen (her nickname is cupcake) pitched, Megan was her back up. Since Married had gotten hurt a week before, she played first. (It was her shoulder. She claimed it didn't hurt that much, but I know it did. She's tough, I gotta tell you that.) Jeyllen was playing second. I played short. Jessica played third. Harley played center. Gabby played left. Kayla played left.

Cupcake pitched well. The umpire was obviously playing favorites. She walked more than she should have because of him. He would literally only call strikes form the waist to about a few inches below the shoulders. And he wouldn't call I.side or outside. So if he was being fair practically all of them would have been struck out. The field umpire was getting pissed off at our coach for questioning some plays. All he asked was "Where was that pitch? Too high?" and "Can we have some help. He couldn't see the tag."

But the umpire had to be all like, "One more negative comment again and you're out of here!"...

All I'm asking is how was my coach being negative?!

That happened for the next two games.

In the second game, against the Bratz (Yes, they were called that. They even had a Brat on their jerseys.) all of the parents made a noise like "Awe." The umpire was really ticked off.

"If I hear one more sound coming from this side, he," He pointed to my coach, "is outta here!" I stood there, and was like "Woh."

We lost...By a lot. But that was because the home plate umpire was totally being unfair. I'm not trying to sound like it was all his fault we lost. But hear me out...

Like I said our strike zone was pretty small offensively. Defense, it was literally ankles to neck. We had to swing at bad pitches in fear that he would call it a strike. We only had a few hits. The score was, like, fifteen to two.

The third game I pitched. I'm going to explain the first inning. I struck the first batter out. The next batter had two strikes. I pitched a drop ball and she hit so hard right back at me, everyone on the other team was cheering ready to say that she got a base hit. I literally blinked and stuck my glove out on reflex and caught it. I looked at my glove stunned.

My grandma said my eyes were so wide. The next second, everyone rutting for us jumped up and cheered. My grandma said that the other team was stunned, and that the hotter was robbed. She so was.

I had to take a few seconds to regroup myself. My knees were shaking. There was a dad in the crowd that was saying I was the boss.

The next girl hit it into the outfield, but straight to Haley. She caught it. It was an amazing three up three down situation. But we ended up losing 6-4. But nobody put their heads down. We should have been proud of ourselves. I was proud of my team...

Diary of a Rising Softball Playerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن