I don't remember the date...

719 14 2

This is entry 3

Ok. So on Sunday, did I mention I was gonna have practice on Sunday, we practically only did fielding, base running, and pitchers/catchers practice. We did the usual warm up and then grounders (see the entry before if you don't know what they are). I was good until my coach (We call him coach rich or coach krazy. He made it up. Haha.) started hitting the ball to my right. Just so you know, my weakness is my right side. I kept missing them and he then hit them to my left. I dove for one and my hand was cut up after that. Haha.

I ran a lap for letting two go between my legs or I did not get in front if it. I understood why, so I wasn't mad.

We did base running where he hit the ball and we would run. And then I left early for my pitching lessons. Just so you know I usually do the same thing, just pitch and hit. Sometimes fielding and we work out everyday.

Our first tournament is in 2 months. We have so much to work on. Outfield, base running, pickles (I don't even know why they call them this, but whatever.), hitting, grounders, and sliding. We are behind and our coach knows this. We need to be ready, and to fight for a title. Last year we only won one title and that was first for the losers bracket. Key word losers. This year I know if we try we will make it to the top. I need this. This is my life we are talking about. I need a scholarship, and to play in the world series. Like my favorite quote, "To some it is a hobby. To some it is a sport. But to us, it is an obsession." And it is...

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