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Entry 4

Okay. I know you guys waited so long for another entry, but I was caught up doing homework and something else that you will soon learn in this entry. Practices were all the same except for on Friday. We were practicing throwing down from home to second. I was playing short and when the catcher threw it, I caught the ball, but there was a sharp pain after. I didn't think anything about it because I thought it was just a jam. I have had many other finger jams on my other fingers, but this time it was different. My finger started to swell up and the pain wasn't going away. But I still didn't think it was serious. (You guys are all probably knowing where I am going with this.)

After practice, Coach Rich popped my finger and God did it hurt! I started to cry, but stopped when the pain decreased. We did a lot of conditioning, some on running and some to improve our muscles. When we did push ups my hand was hurting really bad. Really really really reeeeally bad.

Once we were finished my grandma took me to the emergency care. (I think that sounds wrong.) We waited for a while and then I was able to go into the room. They made me do the usual stuff and then made me wait to get an x-ray.

After the x-ray we had to wait for the results. Once the nurse came back she told me a piece of my bone near my knuckle was chipped. So they basically said my finger was fractured. :/ The nurse even gave me hope that nithing was wrong. She was wrong.

And so now my whole wrist was wrapped up with those metal things (I really can't remember what they are called right now) and unable to bend two of my fingers or my wrist. My finger is mixed between a dark purple and green. It look like it has a big bruise on it.

I am really sorry I haven't posted earlier, but my finger kind of hurts. Oh well. I hope your not angry. :P

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