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Entry 12

It's been along time since I wrote an entry. Anyway, I just wanted to update. We had another tourney. Our first real one (not a friendly). The first day, Saterday, we play three games.

The first game we played against a team called the Extreme. They were really nice. Megan pitched this game for a few innings. Jessica, she's now the lead-off batter, got on base, I hit the ball. Larissa hit the ball. The first inning was great because we made fundamental plays, hit the ball, and were having fun. The next few innings was even more fun because we were hitting for a while. The end result: we won. But they had great sportsmanship, and, like I said, were nice.

The next game, we played against a tough team called the Lady Warriors. We did the same thing as the first game. We made fundamental plays, hit the ball, and, most importantly, had fun. We won by a little bit.

The next game we weren't doing to well. We lost 18-1, I think, against the TCR Rawlings. They were tough. We had lost to them before, and I guess, we psyched ourselves out. The pitcher wasn't that fast, maybe just as fast as the others', but maybe it was their defense. I think we only had a few hits that game. Even though we lost, we were still in the upper bracket. So that's good.

On Sunday, we played a really good team call the Rebels. I loved their uniforms! They were black with lime green striped and lettering. We lost by a lot because our pitching wasn't that good, we hit the ball, but they made good plays. We let good pitches go by, didn't make fundamental plays at all. We lost by a lot.

I don't know what place we got overall, but I'm proud on how we're doing. Who knows? Maybe next tourney, we will place at least 3rd? I know we have the potential to do it...

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