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Entry 11

Practice was awesome. We did some new drills and practice lasted about five hours. We had a lunch break and there was this old man (OM) who was CRANKY. We went to Drifter's and, yeah, I guess we were a little bit loud. But he doesn't have to say that we were ten year olds. This is how it went.

OM: You guys are acting like ten year olds.

We quiet down...

OM: You know my daughter went to college and she graduated from Texas University. She never acted like this.

We quieted down again...

OM: Let me enjoy my meal in peace!

We giggled. We didn't hear what he had said, Jaylen had said something funny.

OM: This isn't funny. I don't think this is funny.

I rolled my eyes many times. A few minutes later, Gabby's mom (GM) comes by.

GM: Gabby I'm gonna tin to the bathroom. (In a joking manner) You guys behave.

OM: They aren't.

GM: I guess I'll take care of them.

OM:You better. They're leasing up my meal.

GM: Well, there is an empty table over there. Why don't you move over there?

OM: I was here first. (He was not)

GM: We're gonna play this game?

She walked away to the bathroom with the old man grumbling to himself.

All of our parents were very mad at him. They said we were just kids and having fun. I know we were being a little bit loud, but couldn't he busy say, "Kids, you're being a little loud. Can you quiet down?" Sure maybe not like that, but along those lines?

After that we went to practice again. I wasn't proud of our warming up. Jaylen thought that since we just got back from eating that there was an exception. An exception for over eighteen dropped balls. I don't think so...

The rest of practice was hitting practice. Nine was in the field and two were batting. I was the first. Larissa was second. Jeyllen was third. Jessica was fifth. Jaylen went sixth. Then the rest. I don't remember who went when so...

It was fun at first until we got to the people who couldn't hit the ball. But then it got better when we made up this thing where either third or short (depending who is louder, like if Jeyllen was at short and Jessica was at third, then Jessica would say it because she is sooo much louder than Jeyllen.) would say "THUNDER!" than the rest of the team would reply with "YOU KNOW!!!". We do that because when we huddle after we go on and off the field and than the coach gives his prep speech, we say "THUNDER ON THREE! ONE, TWO, THREE! THUNDER, YOU KNOW!" It's like our logo or modo.

Saterday we will do conditioning. I hope we do so much so I can't go to school because it hurts when I move...But I'm not really looking forward to it...

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