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It was safe to say Hathor was right in what she said. Amneris certainly was not taking things well. She had no information, no records, no sources, and absolutely no help to work with. No one knew what was happening, how it was happening, or why it was happening. What could possibly be causing the Void Beasts to go to the effort of breaking down the Walls of the Worlds? What did that even accomplish? Was there a purpose to anything that was happening, or was it all pure instinct? Was someone controlling the Void Beasts? If so, who? And, on top of that, who in the Worlds would have the power to control anti-matter beasts in a place no one could access outside of dumb luck? Nothing was making sense! Things were definitely getting a lot worse before they would show sign of getting better, if that even happened.

Amneris had just gotten off the phone with her daughter. Void Beasts were now taking people into the Void and causing there to be signs of a large-scale Dimensional Fracture and destroying entire planetary systems! What the fuck was happening? And exactly how widespread was the damage? How much could the Lower Planes seeing and how were they explaining it? Did they have some unique insight to the matter that those on the Higher Planes couldn't see because they were too far above everything?

Amneris let out a frustrated cry and slammed her head on the desk. She wanted to curl up on the floor and cry for a good few hours just to make people stop asking her what was going on. She didn't know. Why did everyone keep asking when she was clueless? Yes, she was a Goddess but even Gods didn't know everything about everything that takes place throughout Yenari. That was just ridiculous.

Though maybe there was someone who knew.

The thought made her sit up. It was pointless to ask Naiu or Naka. They would just give some cryptic response to make it sound like they knew what was happening when, really, they were just as clueless. Amneris tapped a finger on her chin. What other Deities would have answers to something like this? Surely someone out there had to know something. There was no way everyone was totally ignorant. That idea was just too terrifying to even consider!

Amneris ran through her mental list of Deities. She managed to think of three who might know something:

1. Vivus, the Deity of Balance. They were in charge of keeping Balance throughout Yenari. Technically speaking, all Lyriumians and Terpolites worked for them and had since the Beginning. They often knew what was behind things and had once sent out orders for the Lyriumians and Terpolites to fix them.

2. Thecuras, the Deity of Memory. They were in charge of returning the past and reminding people of what was important when someone needed it the most. They knew everything that had ever taken place and could often predict the future based on past and present events.

3. Ixasis, the Deity and Keeper of Time itself. They knew everything and answered to a power Beyond the boundaries of Yenari. At least, that's what they claimed. They were very elusive in general, even more so when it came to their boss.

But there was a problem. No one knew how to track down any of these deities, nor where they'd ended up after the first years of the God Worlds when they worked side-by-side. After the Age of the Gods, they'd vanished. Sure, there were a few Deities who made their location known, but those three in particular? It would be almost impossible to track down and in no way a good use of time when everything appeared to be falling.

Maybe finding out if the Ævum were real was a good idea after all.

Someone knocked lightly at her door. She recognised the pattern. "Come in, Ryan."

Her P.A. came in carrying a tray of food and drink. He plonked it on the desk, right in front of her. "You forgot to have lunch again."

Amneris blinked. "Huh?" Ryan pointed at the time. "Oh. Oops."

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now