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Kayla was informed, and the group paused for lunch. Even amid everything going on, breaks were needed to keep energy up. They exchanged finally notes after lunch, everyone going their separate ways. Xix, Troy, Hathor and Sky left for Terpola, the first place on Xix's list. Jay, Maddie, Kinda and Valria left for Alexandria, Jay saying he had an idea for where one of the greatest places of knowledge outside of the Database could be found. The others who were left for research split up, some hitting the Palace Library, others headed for Ariuma. This only left Amneris, Leo, Nikki and Colt who were making preparations for their own mission.

"Do you think Orura was right?" Colt asked, pulling back the drawstring on his bag and tossing it over a shoulder.

Amneris held up her dagger, the golden light of the sun glistening on the silver blade. "No idea. Can think of one way to find out." She placed it in its sheath on her thigh. "You ready?"

"Of course."

"Good. Let's—" Amneris raised a hand to her head and groaned. "Headache," she muttered.

Colt placed his hands on her shoulders. "You don't normally get them out of the blue."

"Yeah," she laughed. "Not unless the planet is under attack or something."


"You don't think—"

"I would be in a lot more pain," Amneris assured him.

She reached for her own small travel pack, barely having her hand around the strap when the headache intensified. Images flashed through her mind as she stumbled back, Colt barely catching her before she hit the ground. The ground shook. Amneris thought it was just her mind playing tricks, but Colt was now on the ground.

Amneris shook away her pain, grasping Colt's hand. She pulled him to his feet and out onto the balcony overlooking Lapide. They were everywhere. Void Beasts rained down from the sky having breached the shields. They ate away at Lapide, taking down buildings as though they were light snack. And only more were coming.

"They breached Iraliya," Amneris said. She closed her eyes, letting the images of her world fill her mind. "Went straight for the Shield Generators. They're all over the planet now."

"There are so many," Colt breathed.

Amneris spread her wings. "Forget Hetsipara. We have to stop them before they destroy my planet!"

She jumped onto the balcony, making to take off, but Colt grabbed her arm. "You can't beat Void Beasts. No one can beat them."

"I have to try." Amneris ripped her arm free from him and jumped.

* * * * * * * *

It was even worse up close. The Void Beasts weren't just going after the buildings, they were going after the people. What possible reason could there be for that?

Amneris didn't have to notify the others of what was happening. Everyone knew. She could feel them all over her world.

Carmina, Dan and Imogene were defending Voliabyi with little success. The entire Firelands had been overtaken. From what Amneris could see, her Dragonoid friends had created a makeshift battalion with the locals.

Zoe was on Iraliya with Mel, trying to fix the planetary shields before things got even worse. There was no way they could do it in time to make a difference now. There were too many. Few of the city's soldiers were protecting them as they worked, the others working alongside the Sky City's inhabitants to try and distract the Void Beasts from going elsewhere. It wasn't working.

Kayla and Nikki were battling in Ariuma. How Void Beasts were able to attack a city at the bottom of the ocean, Amneris had no idea. She filed that away for later. The water species of Lyriumia were holding their own, no doubt the water having some minor effect on the Beasts, but even that wasn't enough to stop them.

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now