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The Vaults of Lyriumia. A place very few had access to. Colt found himself standing outside the massive silver doors, Leo and Nikki at his sides. They were at the base of the Towers of Kiloqua. Well, technically, they were under them. The doors the three stared at reached all the way to the ceiling, and to each of the walls of the corridor. It was one of the oldest doors on the planet.

"Did not know this place existed," Nikki said in awe.

"Neither did I," Leo muttered under his breath. He gave Colt a sideways glance. "How do you know about it?"

With a smile, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a shimmering silver key. Colt waved it in front of Leo. "I know people."

Nikki snatched it from his hand. "Amneris gave you this?!"

"She did," he said, taking it back. "Lvaane approved."

Leo sighed loudly. "Of course, he did."

Colt found the small lock on the door and pushed the key inside. He twisted it to the side then removed it. Colt pushed the doors open. They swung inside a dark chamber. The key was returned to his pocket.

The moment the three stepped inside, white Faelight orbs burst into existence. The entire room lit up. Leo and Nikki gasped at what they saw. Floors upon floors of boxes and cases and cabinets and bookshelves stretched as far as the eye could see! It was sort of an organized chaos with the occasional hoverpad littered here and there to reach the upper levels. There were even ladders and stairs.

Nikki stared on, her jaw hanging. "How the fuck are we supposed to find a key in this mess?"

Leo pulled back his hair with a leather strap. "By searching everywhere."

Nikki's shoulders slumped and her head lolled back as she let out a long, dramatic groan. Leo grabbed her wrist. Colt placed his hands on her back. The pair pulled and pushed her further into the room.

Seeing there was no escape, Nikki made a B-line for one of the hoverpads, disappearing onto one of the higher levels. Leo made his way to a ridiculously large pile of crates which could be considered its own warehouse. Colt, who actually knew his way around the Vaults, merely sighed and went to one of the many computer screens on the walls.

* * * * * * * *

On one of the upper levels, Nikki found herself distracted by see-thorough cabinets of jewellery. She walked past them, reading the labels as she went aloud. She paused at a cabinet full of rings and made an impressed sound. There were so many made from so many materials and gems, each one of them different. Wedding rings from famous people, royal rings from past Rulers, some with names she'd never heard of.

Nikki paused at a ring made of gold with strange writing on it. She read the label and frowned. "The hell is the 'One Ring'?" She shrugged, unimpressed with the simple design in the middle of such creative others. "Whatever."

* * * * * * * *

Down below, Leo was lifting the lid off crates with a crowbar he'd found leaning against the wall. He wedged it under the lid of the first crate that took his interest and opened it, peaking inside the long crate. Two swords. He recognised them immediately. Excalibur and Caliburn. The lid was closed.

The next crate was giant. Instead of even trying to open this one, he read the label. Spaceship. He made a surprised sound. Leo didn't know Lyriumia had any of those laying around in storage.

There was another crate nearby only this one was burnt. Its label looked almost melted. Curiously, Leo opened the crate. He whistled at the gold inside before remembering the burn marks on the crate. "Lost Ark." The lid was closed, and Leo quickly moved away.

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora