11 - ZIRI

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It was becoming clearer that only Primordials and those with their power were able to open stable portals anywhere. Jay had tried, then Ema, then Nikki. None of them hit their target. They ended up calling Xix, the Terpolite woman trying very hard to not laugh at the predicament the three were in. She managed to open a stable portal to Ziri, legendary home to Orura's Spring and the Goddess Orura herself. She was by far the easiest to track and one of the kinder Primordials. Surely she'd help them track down Vivus. Or Thecuras. Or Ixasis. Any of the three would do at this point.

This world had a surprisingly common look: a bright blue sky, white clouds dotting all over, dark green grass. However, it had two bright yellow suns in the sky. Thankfully, it wasn't too hot despite this. The planet was far enough away for it to be a pleasant temperature. The grassland extended to the edge of a cliff which overlooked a forest, their target. If the stories—and the old map currently in a protective sleeve in Xix's backpack—were anything to go off, the Spring was somewhere down there.

Ema rested her foot on a rock, raising a hand as she looked over the forest. "Oh, yeah, this won't be difficult at all."

Xix pulled her from the rock. "First thing we have to do is find a way down."

Ema groaned dramatically. "Why didn't you just open the portal at the Spring?"

"I tried. Something stopped me."


Jay crossed his arms. "Does the legend say anything about a protective barrier?" The two women shrugged. "Right, they didn't have that sort of thing back then . . . So, how do we get down?"

"Find a path, I suppose," Ema said.

Nikki raised a hand to her head. "You guys remember I'm a Shifter, right? I can fly us all down."

"Path it is," Jay said.

"You guys suck."

* * * * * * * *

Xix held the map as the group walked through the forest. It was much darker down here, the thick canopy blocking out most of the sunlight. Ema held an orb of white light above her hand, providing Xix with the light she needed to read the map. Jay and Nikki followed behind them. Jay held a book, a light of his own floating above it. Nikki, as the sole member of the group with nothing to do, was bored senseless and beginning to question why she had agreed to even come to Ziri. Seriously, finding the Spiring or Orura? A place only mentioned in The Chronicles and only found on very old maps? Sure, Nikki had seen her fair share of mythological locations over the three thousand years of her life, but there was no way this one was real. No effing way.

Nikki moved to the side to avoid a tree and yawned. If only something exciting would happen. Maybe then she wouldn't be so bored—

"Ow!" Jay was sitting in the grass, rubbing his head. "Stupid tree . . ."

Ema came over, hands braced on her hips. "And that is what happens when you read and walk."

"What are you even reading?" Nikki asked as she and Ema helped him up. Jay handed her the book and pointed to a certain passage. Nikki scanned it then eyed her friend. "Seriously?"

He took it back. "The map alone isn't enough."

"He's right," Xix called from up ahead.

Nikki blew hair from her face. "Nerds."

Jay placed a hand over his heart. "I choose to take that as a compliment."

Ema pat his shoulder as she passed. "You do that."

As the group continued on, the forest around them begun to change. Leaves on the trees changed from shades of green to shades of gold. Light filtered through them, causing patches of grass to glow a bright green. Flowers of every colour imaginable were dotted around the roots of trees and growing on large bushes. Strange and familiar animals alike ran this way and that. The power of life itself was in the sweet-smelling air. The sound of a river trickling came from nearby, but no one could find it.

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon