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"Niflheimr? The Norse world of ice and snow, and path to damnation? Could this day possibly get any worse?" Hathor let out a clouded breath, trying to calm herself. "Okay, ice giants. Ice giants are weak against fire." She glanced at her friend. "Which doesn't work when we have a Glacis and Time magic user to work with."

"Hathy," Isaiah hissed. "You're panicking. Stop panicking. It will not help."

"Sorry!" she exclaimed quietly. "Ice giants aren't my favourite, and neither of us can really deal with them!"

Isaiah rolled his eyes. "You know that magic pouch you carry on you—the one you said your mum gave you? —doesn't it, say, carry *Fye Stones in it? And weren't you one of the top students in Elemental?"

Hathor blinked. "Oh, yeah." She laughed nervously, searching through her pockets. "This isn't at all awkward."

Her hands clenched around the familiar velvet feel of the pouch. From it, Hathor pulled two glowing red stones. They were warm to the touch and had the symbol of Fye—fire—etched into them. She pocketed the pouch and gripped the stones in her clenched hands.

Hathor and Isaiah watched the ice giant as it trudged by. Perhaps if they stayed quiet, unmoving, it would walk right by. There would be no need for a fight.

If only things were ever that simple.

The ice giant turned on the spot, their large nose sniffing the air. They stared at the cave where the pair were hiding. It trudged toward them, hand fisted and arm raised—

"Run!" Hathor yelled.

She and Isaiah bolted from the cave. The ice giant's fist slammed down. Rock and snow went flying this way and that, Hathor and Isaiah falling to the snow and covering their heads with their arms. The ice giant spun around. Hathor pulled Isaiah to his feet.

"I know," he said. "Run!"

The ice giant gained on the quickly, each of its loud steps shaking the ground enough that the pair stumbled. They slipped this way and that, trying to keep their footing on the snow. The ice giant raised its fist again. Hathor pushed Isaiah to the left – she dove to the right – as the giant punched the ground. A tidal wave of snow crashed over them, burring them.

The ice giant stopped, looking around in confusion. Where had their target gone?

A red stone flew out of nowhere, whacking the side of the ice giant's head. It raised its hand to its temple, rubbing the slight flick—Only to pull back with a roar, hand steaming. The side of its face burned red, spreading across its face. The burn on its head slithered up its arm. The ice giant stopped around angrily, punching the ground, pulling massive handfuls of snow and slamming it into its face.

Hathor ran to Isaiah, currently digging himself out of the snow, and pulled him out. The ice giant spotted them, momentarily distracted from its pain. Hathor slipped the second stone between her fingers, wound back, and tossed it. The giant caught it in its hand. Hathor smiled a cold smile and snapped her fingers. The giant's hand burst into flame. The giant roared, waving its arm around almost comedically, flailing this way and that.

Isaiah grabbed her hand. The pair ran. "Got any more of those stones?" he asked.

"No idea," Hathor panted. "Can't exactly check while on the run. You got any convenient spells up your sleeve?"

"My power is stronger in this environment," he said, "but it is not the best weapon against an ice giant."

"We might not have any option—ahhh!"

Hathor was grabbed from behind and pulled into the air, the ice giant's hand fisting around her tightly. If she'd needed to breathe, she'd be dying. Hathor struggled against the grip, against the crushing of her ribcage. Were ice giants really this strong? That was crazy!

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now