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Upon arriving back at Crita, Xix was quickly reunited with Ema and Axel. She hugged them both and quickly filled them in about what happened at Ilsbrook. As she talked she led them to one of the Castle's meeting rooms. Troy, Sky and Hathor were waiting there, eating food laid out by the workers. Small bite-sized treats that could easily be eaten while in 'unofficial' meetings, since those were the only ones where people didn't get highly offended.

Instead of sitting at the head of the table—the place where her father's seat sat, gathering dust—Xix sat closer to the middle, across from Hathor and her friends, and with Ema and Axel taking up the seats on either side of her.

Xix tapped the table three times. A holoscreen appeared with the words 'Dialling Lyriumia' on it. The screen vanished and the life-sized holograms of everyone but Leo, Nikki, Colt and Amneris appeared in the remaining chairs around the table. It was an easy way to do real-time meetings despite the fact they were scattered across the God Worlds.

"Has anyone heard from Leo and Nikki?" Zoe asked.

Dan shook his head. "Hopefully, they are still en-route to Hetsipara and haven't been caught in a rift."

Jay asked, "How did everyone go?"

"We met Thecuaras," Xix said. "The Deity told us it was Jennix's movements that caused the cracks in the first place."

Hathor nodded. "We got a list of names for other people to talk to from her: Oluaz, Ixasis, Reisia'i, Kyra and Vivus."

Kindra's nose wrinkled. "We got some insults to our intelligence."

Valria waved a hand at her. "Oluaz told us to 'find allies among the other Primordials, the First Beings and Higher Planes'."

"And told us exactly what to do to seal the Void," Jay cut in.

Everyone turned to him.

"What did he say?" Imogene exclaimed.

"He said, and I quote, 'Use the powers of Naiu, Naka, Elan, Vivus and Ixasis to seal the Void'."

Ema sat back, crossing her arms. "Well that's helpful. It's not like the Naiu'Idis is in the Void or anything."

"Add on top of that, that no one has heard from Ixasis since the Age of the Gods. They went silent," Mel said. "It could be difficult to summon them."

"But that's not even the most interesting thing!" Kayla interrupted with clear excitement. "Oluaz told us about someone who has come back from the Void before – Amneris in The Chronicles. The way he spoke made her sound like a real person!"

Troy stared at her. "Okay, if you're saying what I think you're saying—"

"There's a way back from the Void!"

"What is it? Axel asked.

Kayla's excitement faltered. "Yeah, we didn't get that far."

"No shit," Kindra said. "That was when he started being a dick then went poof."

Lvaane sat forward, clasping his hands together. "We know there's a way back. That's a start. We can look into the history of the story from The Chronicles. It may give us some clues."

"Agreed," Axel said. "We'll check out things here, too."

"Actually, there's more we can do than that," Hathor said. She placed a hand over her heart. "I'm the Vessel of Time. It's possible I can summon Ixasis and the Ævum."

"It is possible," Xix said thoughtfully. "Myself and Lvaane may be able to summon Vivus, as well. That's two down. What about Elan?"

"We'd need the Elan'Idis for that," Brayden said obviously. "Who are they?"

Xix, her Court, Amneris' Court, Hathor and her friends all exchanged troubled glances.

"Yeah," Maddie said. "That one might be a tad problematic."

"'A tad problematic'?!" Imogene exclaimed. "She doesn't even live in this Creation, remember? We don't know who the Elan'Idis of this Creation is!"

"Okay, let's focus on something else, then," Kindra said. "Reisia'i and Kyra. Can they be summoned?"

"Can one really summon Destiny and Fate?" Sky asked. "I mean, they're just ideas, not forces."

"Forces who work for Vivus," Carmin said. She tipped her hand. "They and Otrix—Luck—may be able to provide us a way to summon Vivus should Lvaane and Xix fail."

Xix narrowed her eyes. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

The Dragonoid woman shrugged apologetically. "I am trying to be realistic."

"Speaking of realism," Jay said, side-eyeing Carmin, "have you had any visions lately?"

"Unfortunately, no. Not since Colt vanished." She sighed. "I have been trying but it's like something is . . . blocking my sight. I was thinking of visiting the Temple and seeing if they're having any better luck."

Lvaane nodded. "That would be wise."

Sol said back, crossing their arms. "In other words, all we have to do is summon two obscure forces, one of the First Beings, and a Primordial who has not been seen in aeos."

Brayden slapped his friend's back. "Easy-peasy."

Isaiah shook his head, letting out a deep breath. "I have a bad feeling about this entire situation."

"Of course, you have a bad feeling," Imogene snorted. "Creation is falling into the Void. Why wouldn't you have a bad feeling?" The Glacis considered this, then shrugged his agreement.

Iridia, who had been silent for the entire exchange, spoke. "Divide and conquer again?"

Xix stood. "Okay, so, things we have to do: Summon Ixasis, summon Elan, summon Reisia'i and Kyra, research Amneris from The Chronicles, and wait for Nikki and Leo to come back and hope they're having more luck than we are. Who wants to go where?"

Hathor raised her hand. "I think it would be best if Iridia and Ema came with me."

"Xix, I believe it would be best for you to come here for our attempt to summon Elan," Lvaane said.

She nodded. "Can do. Bray, Val, please go with Hathor, too. Just in case something happens."

"I will go with Carmin to the Temple," Dan said. Carmin gave him a look but remained quiet.

"Who will take the remaining three tasks?"

Axel said, "If Zoe, Mel and Sky feel up to it, I could use their help researching Amneris."

"Sounds fun," Mel said.

"Who goes after the final two Primordials?" Isaiah asked.

Jay said, "We can split that among the rest of us."

"There we have it." Xix placed her hands on the table. "Good luck to all of us."

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now