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Once again, Amneris found herself running for her life. She was exhausted—no, exhausted didn't even begin to cover it—and wanted to stop but couldn't. The Void Beasts were chasing her like there was no tomorrow. Maybe there wasn't a tomorrow. There didn't seem to be a concept of time here, whatever that meant, but now wasn't the time to be thinking about it.

A snarl came from behind. Amneris whacked the Void Beast's head with her staff. Its entire body shook and it retreated, only for another to take its place. Amneris leapt out of the way as its massive jaw chomped down on her. She was barely on her feet when tentacles slapped down on the ground, kicking up dirt. Amneris raced forward, legs aching, as she tried to escape. There was nothing she could do but run and she couldn't keep it up much longer.

Amneris reached the top of another hill and dropped to the ground, sliding all the way down and running once again, her staff still clenched tightly in its hand. There was something up ahead. A ledge of some sort. Amneris glanced behind her, at the swarm, and cursed. It was better than nothing.

Amneris leaped over the ledge, rolling through the dirt until she reached the bottom of the stope. She scrambled back up the hill, pressing her body into the sand, her head close to the top so she could listen. Amneris watched as the Void Beasts flew overhead, pausing in their flight, almost like they were confused.

That confusion was short lived. The Void Beasts whipped around, all their eyes baring down on her. Amneris gasped, frozen. She was trapped. There was nothing she could do. What would they even do to her? Eat her? Amneris clutched her staff in both hands, knuckles turning pale. There was no fucking way she was going down without a fight.

The Void Beasts charged. Amneris readied herself to go down fighting—

A dark figure leaped over the ledge. They smashed Their fist into one of the Void Beasts' heads. The Void Beast growled, pulling away, something embedded in its eyes. It flew to the sky, some of the others following. The others surrounded the figure.

"Use your Supernova!"

Amneris blinked with wide eyes. "What?"

A Void Beast attacked the figure. The figure pulled a strange-looking spikey sword made of pure black stone from their back, catching the Void Beast's teeth on the blade. The figure glanced over their shoulder, a worn hood obscuring their face. "Use your Supernova!"



Amneris charged her power into her fist and raced toward the Void Beasts. She leapt to the air, coming back down to the ground, and yelled "Supernova!"

The ground erupted. Amneris grabbed the figure and ran as fast as she could. The Void Beasts screamed, trying to escape the blast. The shockwave blew them into the darkness above, Amneris and the figure sprawling to the ground, groaning.

"You need better control of your power," the figure muttered.

Amneris rolled from her back to her front, then pushed herself onto her hands and feet. "Yes, I know—" Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the figure's face. "You!"

The figure was none other than Nephthys Kaylee, wife to the Dark King and Amneris' mother. Amneris had banished her to the Void years ago. She looked so different now. Her face was worn, her age finally beginning to show itself. There were more scars on her face than before. Her curly red hair was now trailing down over her left shoulder, the right side shaven away. Her clothes were practically rags.

She appeared about as happy to see Amneris as Amneris was to see her.

Amneris charged toward her mother with a roar, slamming the head of her staff down on her mother. Nephthys rolled out of the way, retrieving her sword and catching Amneris' next strike on it.

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now