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Jay, Maddie, Valria and Kindra stood on the grasslands outside of the Mouseion. After much convincing, and a small payment, Jay have convinced Daniel to let them take the clay tablet with them, saying it was important for the fate of all. Daniel, ever the sceptic, had been doubtful but allowed him to do so. He knew Jay well enough to know something big was happening. And so the four had left the Mouseion, trying to draw as little attention to themselves as possible.

They stood in a circle around the clay tablet laying in the grass and flowers. No one knew what to do. None of them could read the Old Language. They had to wait for a translation software—Maddie had one installed to read the Old Language, Sky having created it from Hathor and Amneris' knowledge—to do its job. Her phone dinged in the positive.

"Huh, a set of instructions to summon Oluaz." Maddie turned to Jay. "Good guess."

He bowed slightly. "Thanks."

Maddie read over the instructions, nodding to herself. "Okay, so this is gonna be a little complex if we don't have everything. First, we need to be in or near a place of knowledge."

Kindra gestured over her shoulder. "Tick."

"Then we need the symbols of knowledge."

Valria reached into her pockets, pulling out a tiny rectangular case. At the questioning looks of the others, she said, "What? I sketch sometimes. It's therapeutic." A snap of her fingers had them growing into a full-size A3 sketchpad, pencils and charcoal. She placed them beside the tablet. "I better get those back when we're done."

"Next we need the stone of knowledge."

Kindra pulled a chain from her neck. She held it up on one finger, allowing everyone to see the lapis lazuli stone pendant. "This was thought to be a stone of knowledge and wisdom among my people." The stone was placed atop the sketchpad.

"This is really convenient," Maddie muttered. "And, finally, we need the words of knowledge."

"The fuck are those?" Jay asked.

"No idea." Maddie looked over the translation again. "I'd assume whoever wrote the instructions assumed the summoner would know what they're doing."

Valria placed a hand on her hip. "Surely the writer thought the day might come where the knowledge would be lost. Maybe there's another way to find it."

"What, you think they're just conveniently stored somewhere?"

"It does kinda make sense," Kindra said. "Think about it, Wisdom and Knowledge Deities have always been friends to all the Planes. The lowers don't always retain magic, or it's lost only to be found again later. The words might be hidden somewhere that isn't here."

Jay became thoughtful. "We could take a look at Ariuma's Library. They've got a shit-ton of stuff dating back to the old days."

"Sounds promising," Kindra agreed. "Let's head back."

* * * * * * * *

The trip home proved easier said than done. Jay ended up calling Amneris—no answer—then Xix—no answer—before finally calling Lvaane to open a portal back to Lyriumia. He did so, meeting the others at the Palace and explaining what had happened since they left. Amneris in the Void, the others splitting up, Colt missing. What else could go wrong? Jay didn't want to know.

Maddie remained at the Palace to meet up with her friends and help them research. Jay, Valria and Kindra begun the journey to Ariuma.

Leaving the western coast of the Continent, the group took a seabus—undersea transport—to the underwater city of Ariuma. Resting on the ocean floor, the city was a heaven to water elementals and species, though still easily accessible to those who didn't rely on elements such as fire to live.

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now