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Carmin and Dan landed before the great ramp leading into the Temple. Waiting at the top, right in front of the entrance, was the High Priest Kamaria. She greeted them with the traditional bow of the God Worlds, her long dress fluttering in the light breeze.

"A pleasure to see you again, Courtiers," the Lyriumian woman said.

"And you," Carmin said with a smile. "I only wish the circumstances were better."

"Yes." Kamaria turned toward the Temple, gesturing for the pair to follow. She spoke as they walked. "Thankfully, none of my Priests have been misplaced by the rifts. I only wish the Temple was in a better state." She pointed down one of the hallways which had been roped off. Several statues had fallen. "The damage will be repaired but it will take time."

Dan nodded to himself. "That explains why that memo went through. We are calling in the best people we know."

"I have no doubt." Kamaria continued to walk. "The main chamber has also suffered damage but the Reading Rooms are still intact. I will perform the reading in one of them."

"Thank you," Carmin said gratefully. "This really means a lot."

"Though I am surprised, Carmin," the Lyriumian continued. "Your skills in Readings have grown much. You could not do one yourself?"

Carmin grimaced. "I felt this was a job for a professional and someone closer to the Gods."

Kamaria hummed but said nothing.

She led the pair to the main chamber. As she said, there was more damage here. The ancient walls were cracked. The central pool was empty, as were the channels leading to and from it. Other Priests and builders were scattered across the room, each going about their work. Some paused the wave at them. Carmin and Dan waved back.

The three entered one of the reading rooms and settled at the table, Carmin and Dan on one side, Kamaria on the other side. The room had a few cracks and the paint was flaking, but it was in a lot better shape than the main area. As always, there was a deck of cards on the table.

Kamaria took a deep breath and closed her eyes. A dim golden glow surrounded her and the cards. Three cards came from the pile and landed face down on the table.

Kamaria turned the first over. It was of Oblis – Storm – and was right way up. "A great storm is amongst the worlds." She chuckled to herself. "Like we didn't already know that." She turned over the second card: Vivus – Balance – and it was upside down. The Priest frowned. "Balance is fracturing as we speak. The worlds are falling apart." Then she turned the final card.

All three gasped. Kenkai – Punishment – was right way up.

"The card speaks for itself," Kamaria said in a quiet voice.

"No." Carmin shook her head. "No way our path is to the end of Creation. I know the Walls are breaking but we can fix them, right?" She faced Dan. "Right?" He didn't have an answer.

Kamaria gasped, grasping her head with a pained groan. The golden glow around her became brighter. The Priest slumped. Then, she was upright, only her eyes were different. They were overcome with a bright white-gold light. She spoke in a voice that didn't belong to her:

"Come fire, come storm,

Creation will be torn.

To fall to Void is how it must end

But there is a way for it to mend

Through the power of one, you can brighten the sun

But it will not be enough, still you must run

Through the power of more, you can summon gold

And bring back a power from an age of old

Search for those who watch from afar

But remember the power will leave a scar

Try as you might to repair your home

You will not be able to do it alone."

Kamaria slumped on the table. The golden light vanished.

* * * * * * * *

Carmin and Dan sat at the Priest's side as she rested in the Temple's small infirmary. The local workers hadn't been able to help so Dan had called for help from the Palace. With Kayla gone, they sent the woman she'd left in charge, a Zer named Brooke. Brooke had dark blue, freckled skin, bright, near-glowing green eyes, and long wavy strawberry-blonde hair done in a half updo. She'd brought the best medical kit she could find at short notice. Thankfully, it had been enough.

Kamaria's eyes fluttered open as she came to a groggy awakening. She raised a painted hand to her head and groaned.

Carmin smiled down at her. "Hey."

"You channelled the conscious of a God." Carmin pet her hand. "You're really not supposed to do that."

Kamaria laughed. "Yes, I try not to make a habit of it."

"Do you remember what happened?" Dan asked, coming to sit beside Carmin.

"Sorry," Kamaria said with a shake of the head. "Dare I ask?"

"Oh, just a prophecy about the end of the world and how to save it."

"I see. The usual, then."

Carmin nodded. "Looks like someone saw a chance to interfere and took it." She paused. "We haven't figured out who it was."

"Hopefully someone who wants to help," Dan said.

"Perhaps you should lay of the readings for a while," Carmin continued. "If that happens again—"

"I know, I will burn up." Kamaria gave them a reassuring smile. "I will be alright. Hurry up and save the world."

The three said their goodbyes. Brooke assured Carmin she just needed some rest. It was good enough for the Dragonoid. She and Dan made their way back to the Palace. 

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now