chapter twenty three

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"Excuse me, excuse me, beep beep, maid coming through, oh hey! What's up? Oh, just trying to find my boss, have a awesome time!" I say and waved at the fan before pushing myself even more through the crowds.

Summer's coming to an end, and Demi threw a party about the summer ending and her one month of soberity but invited her fans to party with her.

These past weeks were eventful, I went to concerts with Demi, I annoyed the crap out of her and just had a fun time. Me and Will didn't became a thing, it just didn't work out, we're friends now though. Demi and Nick are coming close to being a month together, and I could see they are really happy. Mind you, my mission had succeed, they are a thing. Demi has also recovered from her heartbreak with the help of me, Nick, friends and family. Now she just talks to Lorenzo often and sees how's he doing, she wants to keep in contact with him now and they are friends. Turns out the King is getting married soon, to a woman that I forgot her name.

I smiled as I walk into the backyard where people of different ages were mingling and talking, some even playing. I found Demi's head amongst them and walk over to her.

"Hey Dems," I greeted and she looks over at me, a giant smile forms on her lips.

"Miles! You came!" Demi says and engulfs me in a hug. I grin and hug her back before pulling away.

"So I see you're having a fantabulous time," I acknowledge.

Demi nods and smiles at me. "Yeah, we were just playing some volleyball. But what about you? School's starting in a few days," She nudges me and I groan, rolling my eyes.

"Don't remind me, I just want summer to last forever." I say and she chuckles, ruffling my hair. I swat her hand away and fix my hair while she laughs.

"Don't worry, you got what? Like three more years of high school?" She asks me and I nod.

"Yeah, three more, then to college and after that, it's work until you die." I tell her and she laughs as she slung a arm around my shoulders.

"Well yeah, but you'll enjoy the work if you love the job, I do. I love my job," Demi says and looks around her, smiling at her fans.

"Of course you do, you tour, you make music, you have a hot boyfriend that you can't keep your hands off, you have a bunch of fans and you're always on the road, what's not to love about it?" I say and she smiles at me.

"Yeah, so about being on the road-" Demi couldn't finish her sentence because a volleyball hits her straight in the face.

My jaw drops as Demi stumbles backward, letting me go and falling into her pool. I started to laugh hard as she surfaces and looks at us with a confuse expresion.

"What the fuck?" She says and I bent over, laughing harder.

"Your face!" I say and pointed at her, her face was priceless when she got hit.

She scrunch up her face and a fan, who probably accidentally hit her, rushes over to my side and looks at Demi with wide eyes. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" She says and Demi just shakes her head, a evil sly smirk comes on her face.

"Oh it's fine honey, I just didn't see it coming. And I hope you guys saw this!" She yells and suddenly pulls out two water guns and started to spray us with it.

I shierk as she laughs as she squirts water at us. I duck behind some people before running back inside her mansion.

"Miles! Help me with the cake!" I heard Nick's voice calling for me from the kitchen and turn to him. He had a cake in his hands and I quickly grin at him.

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