chapter twelve

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I blink. My lips turned down in a frown as I look down the aisle from left to right.

I swear she was right here.

I groan, before starting to walk up the aisle again.

Great, I lost my mother in the store, again.

Does that happen to you? Because it happens to me a lot.

I sighed, trudging down the food aisles, looking down at them to try to catch my mother mingling around.

I passed down the beverage aisle, before stopping and turning to it, my eyes widened when I caught sight of the familiar person.

"Seriously? I can't find my mother but I found you instead, this is insane." I say, and Demi looks over at me, a shopping basket hanging off her arm.

Her eyebrows knit together in amusement as I walk toward her. "Can't find your mom huh? At least you got me now," She says and I nodded, glancing at her grocery basket.

She had some chips, pop, other snacks and some other things too. "What? You throwin' a party or something?" I ask her, pointing to her basket.

She nods, grinning at me. "Yep! Party's tonight, I invited almost everyone I knew. You're invited too, you can party with the big shots." Demi tells me and I look at her with disbelief.

"Seriously?" I squeak.

"Yeah! Tell me you have been to parties before," She says and I grin awkwardly at her.

"Maybe a couple, does little cousin birthday parties count?" I say and she scoffs at me.

"You are coming. I except you there tonight, anyways I should get back and set the house up. See you later Miles!" Demi says before waving at me and turning around, walking down the aisle and disappearing from my vision.

I sigh, before turning around and went back on my hunt to look for my mother.

"There you are woman! I went around the store, twice! I found Demi instead of you!" I say once I caught sight of my mom, she was standing in line with the shopping cart, looking around her for me.

She looks relieve as I walk to her. "There you are, I thought I lost you for a moment there." She says and I pressed my lips at her as I stood near her.

"So, mom," I started as I help her put the groceries on the moving thing.

"Hm?" She hums as she puts the cereal boxes on it.

"DemiinvitedmetogotoherpartyandI'mwonderingifIcouldgo?" I say too quickly that it came out like a bunch of gibberish that she had to look up at me in confusion.

"Huh? Speak clearly Miles, I have no idea what you said." Mom says and I laugh nervously, my fingers fliddling with each other as I look at her.

"Demi invited me to go to her party and I'm wondering if I could go?" I ask her as the groceries were check out, I put the bags in the shopping cart and follow after mom after she paid.

"You know, you're probably the only teenager ever that asks their parents to go to a party filled with alcohol and people much older then you." Mom tells me as we put the groceries in the back of her car.

I laugh at that. "Demi's not that old! She's like what? Twenty three or something? But anyways, come on what do you say? I promise I won't touch the alcohol," I say and she sighs, looking at me.

She press her lips at me. "And Demi will keep a eye on you?" She asks and I nodded.

"Okay," She agrees after a moment. "but do not touch the alcohol, if you come home drunk, you are grounded do you hear me young lady? And no flirting with boys, I don't want you to come home pregnant either." She says and I grin, squealing a bit.

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