Chapter 12: Walking Her Home

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It was a dark night, but the streets stayed brightly lit from the illuminated signs, making the people of New York forget how late it had gotten. Down a rather empty street in the lower class part of town was Raphael Hamato walking with the burlesque dancer, Mona Lisa. After escaping the reporters and leaving the burlesque club, Raph insisted that he walk Mona home. He claimed it was a way to thank Mona for helping him, but deep down it was just his weak excuse to keep talking to her, and she knew it too. As the two performers walked down the street, they continued their conversation.

"So how long have you been a dancer for Galactic Gals?" Raph asked her.

"Not too long after they first opened."

"Do you... like it?"

Mona shrugs, "I can't really complain."

"Really? You didn't seem too thrilled when you were throwing perfume bottles at a certain someone earlier."

She chuckles, "Alright, I will admit I wasn't ecstatic about the job at first. When I first heard they were looking for new dancers and applied I wasn't fully aware of what kind of dancers they were looking for until after I was hired. It wasn't exactly the career I hoped for, but it's good money and I at least get to do what I love; dancing."

"So creeps breaking into your dressing room is worth it?"

"I have Armaggon, but when he isn't around to do his job, I've come learned how to deal with them in my own special ways, as you have witnessed yourself," she then looks at him with a smug smile, "You're lucky I went just for the perfume bottles and not something that could cause serious injuries."

"I gotta say," Raph said, "And don't take this negatively, but... you're a lot different from when I saw you on stage earlier. Like, you're two completely different people."

"It's all an act." She says dismissively, "A way to get the male audience to come back for more. No one really likes it when you act like a brute or give an attitude, so I give the men what they want, a playful seductive girl. You can imagine their shock and disappointment when they discover I'm not that same woman on stage."

"Well, to be honest, I like this version of you a lot better. You're more... " His face turns red as he softly says, "...Real."

Mona blushes, "Thank you..." The two were silent for a short moment, rather embarrassed by their words they said to one another, until Mona asked, "What about you?"

"What about me?" Raph asked.

"About your career. I can tell you're not a fan of this famous life you live."

He smirks, "What made you think that?"

"You were hiding from reporters in a burlesque performer's changing room instead of basking in all the glory like your brothers."

Raph huffs, "Leo thinks the world revolves around him and loves the praise he gets from reporters and fans. Mikey just loves the attention and thinks fans count as friends. Then there's Donnie who, between you and me, is just in it for the money. In the end, they all love the spotlight in some way or another. They love their fame."

"But what about you?" Mona asked him, "How do you feel about your fame?"

Raph was quiet for a moment, caught off guard by her question. He didn't know what to say. No one ever really cared to ask how he felt about his life of fame. Not his friends, or even his own family.

"...In the beginning it was exciting." He starts telling her softly, "My dad opened the business before any of us were born. Opening a jazz club in the city was always a dream he and my mom had together. It's what started my dad's career as a musician and my mom's career as a singer."

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