Chapter 2

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For some reason I woke up at 10 am on a saturday in the middle of summer. Usually I wake up at like 2, so I thougght to myself.... how great would it be to start blasting music and sing for no reason at all and probably get murdered by Jai.

So thats what im doing right now.


Why am I singing a song by Skillet you may ask? Well thats because they're awesome.

And I must get over my sorrows of not having my husband over on this fine summer evening whilst he stay at his grandmas. Not gonna lie tho she's a cool ass grandma so I'll give him that-

"Y/N why are you blaring music at ten in the morning?!" I shrugged and turned it off making my way down the stairs.

"wh-" Jai cut herself off to chuckle and came with me to the kitchen. "Who just-"

"Me, I 'just' shorddy"

"What does that even mean"

"To be honest I have no idea"

"I- okay then"

I look around in the cupboards and the fridge for something to eat but nothing looked at all apatizing.

"Sigh,, whats the issue now" Jai looked at me with a bruh face as all the cupboards and drawers were swung wide open.

"Nothing looks goooood, OH bro we should get taco bell."

She looked at me for a second before speaking.

"for..... breakfast?"

"Mhm" i nodded basically drooling thinking about (idk whatever u like from taco bell, and if u dont like taco bell tf is wrong with you..... jk that was mean i love you).

"You know what yea, taco bell it is."

Jai took out her phone to text our dads cause we broke bitches.


As we sat there by the window looking out onto the calming tides of the beach, taco-bell in hand I noticed two boys coming out of the house next door, not the ones our dads are in of course, im talking about the one on the opposite side of this one. I almost dropped my food-

One boy had blonde spikey hair whilst the other had half red and half white, he looked like a candy cane. I wonder if his pub-

"JAI" I yelled interupting my own thoughts almost making her drop her quasadilla too.



She looked over at me like she was ready to slap me. She blinked for a moment while before talking like I wasn't all there in the head. "Yeeaahh, y/n.. it's a beach."

"But- they moved in?? And it's not old people on their honeymoon this time its two boys, they look our age!" Jai looked out the window this time and her eyes widened.

"They look familiar don't they?" Jai asked me with a curious expression. I looked at the boys and squinted my eyes to get a good look. "No.. no I'd know if I knew a hunk like him."

She sighed and rolled her eyes, bringing her attention back to them.

The boys were standing in the sand, they had swimming trunks and flipflops on and looked as if they were just having a nice conversation. One laughed while the other smiled. I wonder if they were dating. Me and Jai looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Bro it's not old people slapping cheeks for once-"

"Our ears can finally be spared"

Do you think they're dating?"

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