Chapter 8

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Your POV

We were standing in the living room after Jai beat my ass while Bakugo got the homie Todo. "Alright guys switching teams." Jai said clapping her hands and shifting around to Todoroki, only for Todoroki to move obliviously towards Bakugo. "I'm with Katsu-"

"NAH NAH YOU'RE WITH JAI BRO. REMEMBER OUR TALK IN THE BATHROOM MF" He looked over at me in realization and quickly nodded scooting towards Jai shyly. I gave the homie a thumbs up before shuffling over to Bakugo. "So team Bakay/n-"

"No not a chance"




Jai and Todoroki were counting first leaving me and Bakugo to go hide. I take Bakugo's hand and run outside the house, his hand was soft and warm, almost as if it was made to fit my own. The breeze felt nice as the wind blew against our skin and danced through our hair. "Where are we going?" he asked as our bare feet kicked the sand as we ran. "We can't hide in the house they'll find us!"

Thats when he laughed. It was more of a chuckle but when I turned to look at him the sun was shining down just right. He was smiling down at me with his god-like body shimmering, reflecting the afternoon sun. He was kind of sweaty and somehow his hair was still spikey.

"Where are we hiding then?" I shook my head and snapped out of it. This is WAR! I can't let hunky men distract me!?

"Take this straw, we're gonna snorkel in the deep depths of the ocean." He looked down at me with the blue straw in my hand. "Really?" I nodded shoving the plastic tube in his mouth (wink) and took a stride towards the sea. "HURRY BITCH THEY ALMOST DONE COUNTING" He ran after me trying to find the right depth to be able to crouch and use the straw at the same time. After a moment of laughing and splashing each other with the water we crouched, it supprisingly worked (DONT DO THIS AT HOME).

They had left the house unbeknownst to us and they trotted towards the water in a hurry, laughing as they took Bakugo's 'snorkel' making him inhale water and choke a bit. I got a nurf to the forehead when I came above to see what all the commotion was about.

"How dare you take my husbands snorkel! This is our honeymoon you know, i'm sorry im going to have to file a complaint to your manager this instant!" Bakugo pat me on the shoulder smiling lightly. "Just calm down honey they didn't mean it." Jai looked at him up and down before betraying me with a single sentence.

"Don't act like you're any better Dandilion hair when I'm the one holding all your secrets." I seen bakugo glance over at me and now I wanted to know the secrets. When I wasn't allowed to I just decided to play rock paper scissors with Todo till we swapped for the final round.


So here we were, in the living room. "Obviously me and Todoroki are hiding this time, 'cause you guys suck." I gave her the rock face before looking at Bakugo. "Time for team Bakay/n to slay this shiz" he sighed and we let her go hide while we played Anocanda. It should give them enough time.

"MY ANOCANDA DON'T WANT NONE UNLESS YOU GOT--" I came up next to him on the coffee table and we smirked at each other as my part came on. "BUNS HUNNNN-" We laughed and sang until the song was over and it was time for the war to continue.

"Dude they've gotta be in the bathroom, Todo would have 100% hidden there."

"Okay yeah but not Jai."

"You've got a point... but that's just what she WANTS US TO THINK" I ran and swung open the shower curtains finding no one and nothing but drops of water that had remained after someone had showered eralier that morning.

"I told you, Jai wouldn't be that stupid." My eyes jet over to him for a moment before rolling my eyes. "She's an idiot just like me, she just hides it better." He shook his head with a smile and we made our way throughout the downstairs of the house.

Soon we found ourselves walking upstairs side by side. I could feel our arms rub against each others occasionally and I could feel the heat coming off of his body, it made me feel all tingly in my stomach. "Bakugo?" He looked at me concerned seeing as I was more serious than usual. "Yeah?" We stopped walking at the top of the stairs, continuing to talk.

"If you liked someone, how would you act when you were with them?" I'm pretty sure I like him, I think it's been blatantly obvious at this point. I wanted to ignore it and just mess around and be silly or whatever but I don't think I can.

Relationships scare me, the first sign of trouble and I dip. I run like the gingerbread man. But I don't wanna do that with Bakugo, even if I just met him at the beginning of summer. I spent everyday with him for two months straight, I'm not surprised I fell for him.

He looked me dead in the eyes before saying, "I'd act like how I do when i'm with you" and walked into Jai's room like nothing happened. Now behind closed doors, Bakugo was freaking the fuck out. He had only hoped you hadn't seen the giant blush on his face.

I walked inside the room with rosey ass cheeks. Ima ignore it for now, let my brain process it. PLUS I NEED TO FIND THE BOZOS. "Yo did they die??" He shrugged. "Probably not, but If Jai like- got horrendously murdered what would the first thing you'd take out of her room." I looked over at my now obvious crush and spoke. "First things first I'm taking minecraft, bitch got everything. Her wii her computer, her Ipad, her iphone, her sims game, her-" All of a sudden I felt a sting on my ankle.

When I looked down I seen the bullet from a nurf gun richocheing off my leg and onto the ground. I fell. Shaking the entire house, making it crumble down to it's last very core. As if the house itself were talking. Saying, 'wtf'.

"You okay?" Bakugo said extending a hand out to me. I just looked at his hand before facing the sky screaming "MAN DOWN- MAAAAAAN DOOOOWN!!!" I bring my trembling fist forward slamming it down on the floor in front of me just before seeing Jai and her ominous aura from underneath her bed. I chuckle nervousy before standing up straight and having bakugo swiftly help me up. "See Jai I knew yall were there the whole time, I'd never take your things!!" I got shot again in the head with the nurf gun. "OW-"


So after Jai declaired her and Todo's vicory which was obviosly a lie, we all decided to watch some movies before falling asleep. We sat on the floor next to each other with snacks and stuf before watching the final movie before bed. The order of the sleeping bags went me, Bakaka, Todo, and Jai. We scooted towards our crushes cause sexy reasons, and just for fun when sleeping, me and bakugo end up waking up to find each other on the latter. So we make a bet every night we use sleeping bags to see who would end up on who in the morning. Bakugo usually won everytime because he cheats but whatever .

And thats how our game of hide and seek went.


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