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The day came and it was time for the first day of school. Jai and I had arrived together and went off to our morning classes. We texted the boys everyday and anytime we could.

To be honest, i'm scared that one day we'll drift apart. I have no idea what school he goes to, he wouldn't tell me, and I don't even know where he is to determine how far away we are. He told me he would tell me today, so I guess that's a plus.

So I've become determined to live my life to the fullest by bothering him until he coughs it up. It's been hours and my determination failed me as it hasn't even worked yet.

The bell rang not too many moments later and it was time for lunch.

I grab my lunch tray filled with prison food and walk over to the lunch table where Jai sat, slamming my tray down making food fly everywhere. "What is this slop??!"

Jai looked down at my tray and looked back up at me with the rock face. "Brussel Sprouts??" I nodded and threw my tray out.


Jai laughed hearing my soon to be daily complains about the school lunch.

A moment of silence erupted at our lonely table before Jai spoke up.

"Y/N I have an idea."

"Oh no, it's not another slin-"

"So we make a slingshot right??"


"And then we-"



I sighed standing up, crossing my arms looking at Jai with a stern face. "You don't remember last year?? With the principal??"

Jai crossed her arms, rolling her eyes mumbling "the principal had it coming"

I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

We sat in silence yet again until someone came up behind me scaring the absolute SHIT out of me.

When I whipped my head around to see who the bastard was that scared me my eyes had widened in shock.

"Aww did I scare ya?"

Jai had to do a double take, rubbing her eyes to make sure her eyes were working correctly.


He smiled, "The one and only"

Jai immediately deadpanned. "that was cringe"

"It wasn't that crin-" I didn't wanna hear the rest of their bickering and I jumped up and hugged him.

"Why are you here!?? And where's Todo??" I asked releasing him from my bear hug.

"We go to the same school, we have been since elementary. And Shoto's probably lost somewhere."

I smiled, giving him another hug to satisfy my excitement. "I don't know how we didn't see you guys, you stand out like a sore thumb." Jai said rolling her eyes playfully.

She looked at me with pleading eyes, I sighed and nodded. "Yes!" Jai turned to make a slingshot for the one and only Todo.

"Target acquired" Jai said before slingshotting her hotdog past Todo's head. We all heard him say "WOAH FLYING WEANIE" before laughing our asses off.

He walked over here and Katsuki gave him a weird look. "Look who came to join the party. What were you doing over there anyways?" He questioned him.

Todo pulled out the compass on his phone. "I wanted to face North."

Jai looked at Katsuki confused and he just shrugged. I pulled out my compass and checked before looking up at Todo. "Well you were facing south pal."

I looked at the rest of the group and clapped my hands as if I were finishing a business meeting. "Well I vote we all skip class in celebration of finding each other." Jai nods. "Let's just skip the rest of the day.

"It's the first day of school we're not skipping the whole day."


So we were outside on the side of the school building, cause we ended up skipping the rest of the day."

I heard a sigh from next to me, "I can't believe you guys talked me into this." I elbowed him and be a 'tsk' before smiling at him. "Oh hush it ya big baby, you know you'd rather be hanging with us than doing stupid ass surveys they never listen to all day." I said sliding down against the brick school wall until my butt hit the grass floor. Katsuki doing the same and sliding down next to me with a smile.

"Guys I have we bottles." Todo said as he walked up to us.

He set the water bottles down as he stood next to Jai, she grabbed his hands intertwining his with her own before giving him a small peck. Todo looked starstruck.

"Does this mean we're dating now?" He asked, blushing like a tomato.

"For the love of god Jai if you don't say yes already! He's been asking since he met you!" Katsuki yelled from where he was sitting besides me. I joined in too. "YEAH GET MARRIED" everyone paused for a moment to look at me before continuing with their lives.

I looked over at Katsuki, he was chewing that damn lip again. I cleared my throat making him look over at me. "Well me and Jai are best friends and we do everything together. So I guess this means we have to get together too." I say hoping hoping he'd understand what I really meant. That I wanted to be in a relationship 'cause I really liked him.

He smiled and nodded. "Well I don't make the rules, I guess we have to then, y/n." He placed his hand on mine, kissing me before pulling away and looking somewhere else. Probably blushing up a storm like I was.

"I'm just saying we're taking my last name when we get married" I said matter of factly.

He whipped his head over to me at lightning speed. "Oh hell no, we're changing yours to mine."

"Dude y/n Bakugo sounds lame, you're obviously being Katsuki Yamada."

"No, here's what's gonna happen-"

THANK YOU FOR READING - Thank all of you boneheads, I hope you enjoyed!

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