Chapter 6

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"Alright guys" I said rubbing my hands together, "Lets get to sharing secrets!"


We discussed the order of who was going. It went Todo, Jai, Bakugo, and then me. We were sitting on a fluffy ass carpet in the livingroom of our beach house. It was night and we all had taken showers and changed into warm clothes. I insisted for hot cocoa even tho it was the middle of summer. After we were situated we got started with the one and only candycane haired boy Todo.

"Okay so, Today, I-I thought I put on nudes." He looked down ashamedly. "Alright- Next." We all collectively agreed to go on without discussion. His wasn't even a 'secret'.

She coughed, cleared her throat, and did every unnecessary thing in the book to stall while she thought of a secret to share until I nudged her arm. The boys looked at Jai waiting for the secret. Only, my guy Todo was staring lovingly into her eyes.

"Uhhh I dunno, i'm non-binary, and I go by all pronouns." It was silent for a moment before we all collectively gave each other cool nods, I mean i'm honestly surprised this was just told now after how long we've known each other so far. Taking a sip of my scortching hot, hot cocoa, I stared at Bakugo.

He sighed, taking a deep breath before talking, "I-" He started, wiping the incoming beads of sweat that was on his forehead. "I uh.." I looked at him with a questionable look, why was he sweating??

"Yeeeaaahhh?" I asked with my patience running thin wanting to know what was making this god of a man act like this. He turned to me with pleading eyes, begging me to stop him from saying the secret. I shook my head, he sighed once again before Todoroki came in with a bigg loud smack right to his back. "Just spit it out man" Todo said blowing the fake smoke from his finger gun. "Alright damn! I.... may or may NOT, look.... up to............................. shoto." He looked away and I could see the slight blush of embaressment on his cheeks.

Jai and I whipped our heads at each other almost instantly, with widened eyes. "That was unexpected." I said bewildered, Jai nodded, dramatically sipping her cocoa making a loud 'ahh' sound before speaking. "Yeah but it's cute, dandilion hair for real looks up to him..... wait a minute who's older?" She pointed towards the two of them in confusion, before Todoroki pointed at himself. We went wide eyed yet gain. "FO REAL??" I rapidly shifted my attention between the two bimbos. Todoroki nodded, Bakugo nodded as well and rolled his eyes.

"Damn alright, hidin that shit from us- anyways NEXT" I clapped my hands together as Jai looks over at me with an eyebrow raised. "Uh, y/n, YOU'RE next." I look at everyone who just nodded and I look back at Jai. "Oh fr? Alright" I took a deep breath, mocking Bakugo before telling the deepest darkest secret in the history of secrets in the entire world of secrets. I took a long and exaggerated sip of my cocoa that was getting colder but it still kind of hot the longer we went on with this.

"Okay guys, get ready for this. 'Cause it's gonna blow. your. mind.." I took another breath before looking them all in the eyes, Jai looked uninterested as she already knew what I was gonna say before I even said it, but the guys were sort of intruged. "Okay so, I didn't stop peeing the bed till I was like eight." I looked around to find everyone staring at me with a bruh face, accept Todoroki who's eyes were sparkling. "I didn't stop till I was nine!" Silence went throughout the room yet again, only this time I was wiping my tears away. "It's alright bro I know the pain."

The next couple of rounds went smoothly, going from wacky secrets to weird dreams for about an hour or so just messing around. This last round was different though, because now going from Todoroki to Jai to Bakugo and lastly onto me, we started spillin the goods.

"Alright lads, this is gon be the last round of the night then we can just make popcorn and watch ice age or something after, but this round has to do with spilling a romantic secret." I smirked tapping my fingers together like an evil genious, adding a french evil laugh to tie my evilness all together.

Todoroki cracked his knuckles, preparing himself for the round. "Alright so, I have a crush on someone, but it's not Bakugo" Me and bakugo immideatly started with the sarcasm.

"Nooo, really?"


"No- 'cmon you really had me there"

"Fooled me for sure"

Todoroki looked at us and nodded frantically. "No guys i'm serious! I know my dashing good looks might make me SEEM like a playboy but I can assure you i'm not!" I'm sorry what? I started laughing, Jai and Bakugo hollering with me short after. He wasn't ugly, in fact he looked charming. But no one, and I mean NO ONE here thought his broke ass was a play boy. "NEXTTT" I yelled when we finally got our breath back.

It was Jai's turn now, we all looked over towards her in anticipation. Although I did catch a spiky haired boy looking at me for a second before looking at Jai as well.

Jai sat there for a moment, as if stuck in time.. or on the secret she was supposed to spill. Her gaze was locked on Todoroki who was looking into her eyes as well. God if they don't just make out and have 17 babies already. Bakugo and I looked at each other and shook our heads, clearly knowing what was up.

"Uhhhh, I've never had my first kiss before" Jai shruged, Bakugo sharply chuckled and pointed to Todoroki, "Neither has this walnut" Todoroki whipped his head towards his younger cousin (by a couple months). "Actually my mom used to kiss me before bed. Back in my day we had to go to bed at eiGHT O'CLOCK!!" None of us knew why he was yelling and frankly it'll be something we will never know. "For the last time Shoto Aunt Rei's kisses don't count."

"Okay guys shush its my husbands turn"

"We're not married-"

"We adopted that rock and you know it"

I said squinting my eyes and pointing at Bakugo. I turned towards Jai and todoroki. "And I don't wanna hear anything from the peanut gallery" She smiled, keeping back a laugh. "A rock?" I whipped my head back at her. "Okay miss and mister 'MatChiNg shElLs' shush, BACK TO ZE GAME" I clapped my hands and pointed over to Bakugo. "Bakaka it's your turn, spill sumthin juicy"

Bakugo rolled his eyes yet again and gave us a 'tch' before shifting his position so his legs didn'g fall asleep. "I kissed a boy" The room fell silent. Why am I getting sad at the thought of him possibly being gay? Oh shi- I CAN'T LIKE  HIM I'LL NEVER ACT THE SAME AND I'LL CREEP HIM OUT AND- Okay no, ignore this shit for now. Focus on the game.

"Alright guys don't get too loud now" He said giving us a blank face. "His name was Kirishima, we dated for a bit before we decided we were better off as freinds." He looked at me and back at the rest of the crew. Jai nodded, Todo mocked Jai probably wanting to just do what she was. "Thanks for the intel" Jai said sarcastically. Now it was onto me, before we watched Ice age. "It's your turn now" Jai said looking at me with a big evil grin, an evil aura was surrounding her.

"OKAY SHH- So like our beloved Todoroki.. I too have a crush on someone." Jai rolled her eyes, "Nooo they're not in this room or anything." I was about to slap her until Todoroki gasped. "Oh my god... you have a crush on me??" I looked at him with one of my eyebrows raised. "No I have a crush on-" I stopped myself. Thats when me and Jai knew we fucked up.

"On youuu besstiieee.. I've loved you for yearsss~" I said looking at Jai as I shat bricks. Clearly lying.

There was a moment of silence as me and Jai looked at each other before we collectively started gagging repulsively.


"Okay I think that's enou-"






I looked around and my eyes landed on Bakugo's red ones. He was looking at me and my heart started pounding.

The room fell so silent we could hear turds plopping in the toilet bowl.

I stood up abruptly and grabbed Jai's arm yanking her with me towards the kitchen. "WE'LL MAKE THE POPCORN YOU GUYS GO PUT ON THE MOVIE BYEEEE"

And thats how I learned I started to like a kid I just met a month and a half ago. What did I expect, we already spend all day and night with them.

What am I gonna do with myself?

poopy poo poop poo poopy

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