Chapter 9

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Bakugo's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds outside, the sky being a nice blue compared to yesterday as it had rained. We were all staying at Y/N and Jai's house this time, in the beginning we all originally slept in sleeping bags on the floor but now it was a matter of comfort and decided to just use the beds. Me and Shoto slept in one bed while Y/N and Jai slept in another in Y/N's room. Although i'd prefer we switch that order.

I went downstairs looking for y/n and found myself shocked not to see her hungry ass in the kitchen. It was already 10am she definitely would have been down here by now. "Why do you look like that dandilion hair?" I turn around to see Jai standing there with Shoto locking hands. Are they together already? Nevermind not important.

"Where's Y/N? Is she till sleeping?" I yawned as Shoto furrowed his brows and looked at Jai cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy. Jai shook her head at him as if saying 'I don't know' and looked back over at me and my confusion. "Who are you talking about Bakugo? Who's Y/N?"

I rolled my eyes, they we're obviously playing a dumb prank or something. "Come on guys cut it out. It's too early for your crap." The genuine looks on their faces concerned me and made my heart sink. "Katsuki are you feeling okay?" Jai rubbed her finger over his hand. "Shoto he's just mad and tricking us 'cause he's single." I looked at Shoto and my eyes went wide. 'Y/N.. she's really not here-'

I raced passed them and made my way up the stairs to her bedroom, when I looked inside I felt a strong wave of confusion and melancholy in my gut. It wasn't Y/N's room anymore. The walls weren't (f/c), there wasn't a random bag filled with snacks on her bed, her Bungo Stray Dogs and Haikyuu posters were gone- everything. Everything was gone. She dissapeared. It was just a normal gray, plain room. With a normal bed. With Y/N not anywhere in sight. I searched the whole entire house and mine before ending up in my bathroom exhausted.

'Had I dreampt her? Was this whole summer my imagination? This has to be a trick, right? It's hard to believe she's really gone, I actually fell for someone for the first time in a while and she wasn't even fucking real. Oh god I feel sick.'

I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Though it wasnt puke. I was throwing up blood, and it wouldn't stop. It just kept going and going. The blood turned from a bright red to a deep dark maroon. When it finally stopped I started washing my face in the sink, drying my face with a soft towel. I took a long exasperated sigh, but whe I looked into the mirror, my heart stopped. My entire face was melted and disfigured. "HOLY SHIT-" I tried to run but the door wouldn't open. It wasn't locked nor was it jammed but it just wouldn't open. "Come on fucking open!" I slammed my body into it trying to break it down but nothing worked.

I turned around to see if I could jump out of the window but as soon as I turned around the lights went out. It was quiet, my heart was racing. I could hear it beating and pounding in my ears.

I looked around fumbling for the light switch, terrified of whatever twisted reality this was. When the lights went on Y/N stood there. Eyes closed and standing in front of me. 'Was she really here?? Was this really a trick?' I was growing more and more confused, my hands we're shaking. She looked pale and skinny, like a skeleton. I was about to say something, say anything, until she fell forwards in my arms.

She was icy cold and barely breathing, she felt like she was dead. "What the hell's going on?? Where are Shoto and Jai?!" My voice cracked and my breathing became irrotic as I laid her down on the ground and felt her pulse. Though as soon as my hand touched her skin she whipped her eyes open. Only her eyes weren't her normal color, they were solid black like a dark charcoal. I jumped back and watched as she stood up and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Katsuki Bakugo." As she spoke her voice wasn't her own. It was that of a demons, and she walked over to where I was and smiled a large crooked smile. I couldn't move. My body acted on it's own as if It wasn't me anymore. She leaned in close to my face and the beating of my terrified heart got louder. Though she had only wiped my eyes. I hadn't even known I'd been crying. "Wake up"

I furrowed my brows, confused and able to move my body again. "Wh-.. What?" She frowned. The lights flickered rappidly and in a deep demonic voice she screamed, "WAKE UP"

Your POV

I woke up on the floor in my room. As usual. And decided to head to the kitchen for a nice breakfast while Jai and the others slept. That is until I heared something coming from the room the boys were sleeping in. I snuck in there peeking my head in to see Todo asleep on the floor.. heh twins.

I look over to the bed after hearing heavy breathing, seeing Bakugo with a waterfall of tears streaming down his face and him shaking. He was having a nightmare, and it broke my heart to see him like that.

I sped over and climed on the bed grabbing one of his shoulders and shaking it. "Bakugo?" No answer. "Bakugo wake up you're having a nightmare" I shook harder this time. "Wake up" I took both hands on his shoulders and shook him like people do in the movies. "WAKE UP" Probably not the most efficiant way I could have handled this but it worked.

He sat up swiftly in a panic and he would have headbutted me if I didn't jump back. He was clutching his heart and I could easily notice the shaking hands. "Bakugo! Are you okay?!" He looked up at me and just kind of stood there like he didn't know what to do. It was getting awkward until he sighed in relief and hugged me.

I'm froze for a second. "-warm." I'm sorry what. "Heh??" I said confused as I hugged back tighter and laid his head in the crook of my neck. "You're warm I said." He chuckled and I could tell it was a relieved one. You guys know the type of chuckle you do after you're done crying when someone says something to cheer you up? Yall know what im talking about right?

I sat there not saying anything- no that was a lie.

"So what was the nightmare about? Do you wanna talk about it?" He sat up and rubbed the inner corners of his eyes with his pointer finger and thumb before running his fingers through his hair.

He sat silently for a moment before telling me. "I woke up, and when I went downstairs you weren't here. Your room was just a plain old guest room and Shoto or Jai didn't know who you even were. Like you were just some figment of my imagination. Then I searched both of our houses for you and yeah you weren't there either. Then I ended up in my bathroom." His face looked like he was creeped out just at the thought of it.

"I threw up blood for like two straight minutes. It doesn't seem long but non-stop barfing for two minutes straight is a fucking hell." He sighed. "Then I looked inside my mirror. My face looked like someone held a blowtorch up to it. It was horrifying. Then I tried to leave but the door wouldn't open. Just my luck right? All of a fuckin sudden you were there but you were skinny and pale like you were all bones. You fell towards me and your skin felt- it felt cold as shit like you were a walking corpse. You screamed at me like a demon to wake up, twice." When he was done he looked exhaughsted.

"I'm sorry I turned into a demon and had an icy cold body in your nightmare. Also i'm sorry you barfed blood for like eight years that was probably the scariest part." He shook his head. "I think the scariest part was Jai and Shoto holding hands in the beggining. Or you know, the part where you were a figment of my imagination." I hugged him again. "Well you don't have to worry 'cause im right here alive, breathing and hungry. Also i'm very warm so you don't have to worry about me being a zombie. The only nightmares I ever get is my dad just talking like a normal person. It's very scary and I reccomend it to no one"

He chuckled and hugged back. "Thanks, also Shoto get off of the floor and stop spying. Jai you too." We seperated and looked back to see two heads peeking from the side of the bed. They stood up with a pout.

"We didn't even get to hear anything juicy. Only something about a zombie" Todo said crossing his arms. I laid flat on my back and rolled myself off the bed falling onto the floor. "MAMA'S HUNGRY LETS GET TACO BELL" The room sighed and then skipped into the sunset with our taco bellkfast.

Sorry this wasn't our usual fluff shit but I'm an angst/comfort kind of person and I just love them being comforted. Such a beautiful art. ANYWAYS now I want taco bell??

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