Chapter 5

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It was a fucking tuesday and there was nOTHING TO DO and I'm hungry and McDonald's is only doing breakfast right now and I want a chicken sandwich I hate liifeeeee-

Jai was sitting on a couch in the living room staring at the ceiling bored as fuck while I was in the kitchen sitting on the counter, using my laptop to google fun things to do at the beach because to be honest,, we were getting really bored. BECAUSE ITS HOT AND WE DUNNO WHAT TO DO. I seen this one answer and wanted to die. "Jai. JAAAI." I yelled sighing. She didn't answer. "JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"


"Come look at this."


She came over and hopped onto the counter besides me, looking over my shoulder seeing my google search 'fun things to do at the beach' I pointed to the answer that made me done with life and she just looked at me confused. "What?" I looked at her with my eyebrows raised. "Man fuck you mean what,, 'FiLl a bUcKEt wiTh waTeR-' MAN WHAT" I Sighed and flung my arms in the air, giving up. "Theres alot of fun things you could do with a bucket of water" I looked at her with a straight face and blinked. "Yeah like throw it at your big ass head" She bursted out laughing, and so did I. Although I did get hit for the comment.

The sun was shining in on the counter due to the seethrough glass doors that were surrounding the place, the visible dust particles being shown though the sunshine. It was making the kitchen look really pretty. That is until the sun thought it'd be a funny idea to shine in my eyes. "AH" I yelled moving over out of the sun. At this point I was getting restless. "IM BORREDD OH MY GOOOOODDD" I slid off the counter top and closed the laptop placing it down before making my way to the fridge. Opening it without any interest for the food inside as i've already looked through this about three other times before, lowering my standards and finally deciding on (I was gonna say eggs but if yall want smth different then go ahead).

As I was making (oogs or wateva) Jai slid off the counter and grabbed her day old cold ass McDonald's french fries and started to talk.

"So I was thinking-"

"Not your best quality"

"ANYWAYS- I was thinking we shoulllddd-" Jai got cut off from our dearest buddy Todoroki running into out house with panic etched on his face. We all have gotten close enough to where we just walk in whenever we feel like it. Jai looked up at him with worry herself, but before she could ask he explained his panic. "G-Guys.. I think I have the cheese touch." His lip quiverred as he removed his hand from covering his mouth, me and Jai looked at him with dumbfounded expressions as Bakugo walked in behind him.

"No you idiot, we just talked about this" He sighed face palming, softer this time due to to the bloody nose last time. Bakugo sighed while Todoroki went on, "It's- It's- It's horrible, I don't think i'll be able to recover after this....." This boy was practically in tears at this point. "Dandilion hair what is he talking about?" Jai asked shifting her weight from one leg to the other, putting her hand on her hip and squinting her eyes at him. He shrugged not saying a word before I butted in. "Yeah he isn't making sense, why does he think he has the cheese touch?" I raised an eyebrow, looking at Bakugo for a little to long.

He grunted running his hand through his spiky but soft looking hair. "I just told him that he got herpes. No biggie" I seen Jai roll her eyes while I tried not to laugh. I guess Bakugo kind of seen me though because he smiled. He has a pretty smile, like I look like chicken little when I smile so I have no clue how he looks like his face was sculpted by greek gods-

"Hello? Earth to Y/n??" Jai asked waving her hand in front of me Oh god, I was staring for too long..

"What-? Oh uh- So- Herpes huh? Damn sorry to hear tha-" Jai elbowed me telling me to shut up, so I did 'cause I was just emberrasing myself.

"Go ahead Katsuki, tell 'em what you ALSO said" Bakugo sighed and looked at me with a 'do I have to?' look I nodded for him to go ahead. "I also said that because you have herpes and you can't kiss J-" Todoroki ran over quickly covering Bakugo's mouth. "Not that! The OTHER thing!" Bakugo smacked his hand away confused, hiding back a mischivious smirk. He was going to probably tease him about his crush on Jai but she interupted with her 'life changing' idea.

"Guys lets expose secrets" She held her hands together and rubbed them like a fly, you know them flies be evil. Flies actually are very clean dispite them always eating garbage, thats actually why they always rub their hands together. Jai's clean to and we always eat garbage like fast food cause it's delicious, so maybe Jai's spirit animal is a fly.

The guys nodded and I spoke up, "well to pass the time why don't we just swim, then we can come in and do it with us" We all agreed and went to get our bathing suits. Bakugo and Todoroki have hung out with us for the whole summer, all day and night, so whats the point of going back home to sleep? It evolved into having constant sleepovers everynight, and now we just kind of sleep in the same house everyday. Sometimes ours, sometimes it's theirs but it's usually wherever we end up in.

And this time we were in our house, gathered in a circle in the living room on a fluffy carpet. Todoroki had found out earlier that Bakugo was just being an ass and didn't have herpes and it was just three pimples around his mouth. Bakugo got flicked in the forehead.

We were all sitting down waiting for the game to start, but we were missing a member of our crew. "Where's Todoroki?" Jai asked looking around, Bakugo raised his eyebrow with a smirk. "Of course you're asking where your boyfriend went" She elbowed him earning an 'ow' to escape him. "He's not my boyfriend" I looked at her matching Bakugo's smirk, "Yet" I said wiggling my eyebrows. She was gonna elbow me too until Todoroki came out with what looked like shit around his mouth.

"What the hell on yo face boy-" I asked looking over at Todoroki with my eyebrows raised in disbelief. "Shoto why's there shit around your mouth?" I looked at Bakugo with widened eyes, covering my mouth trying not to laugh. "Thats what I was thinking!" I turned back to Todo who looked done with life. "I'm wearing nudes." He asked mindlessly pointing to his mouth and sitting down next to us, joining the circle. Jai laughed and we shared the same realization. "Oh my god". He was wearing the cover up he found in the bathroom. He didn't mix it in fully and his skin tone was lighter than his skin complextion itself so overall it just looks dumb. "You mean NUDE by L'oreal?" (Sponsored by- no im jk)

"oh is that what it is?" We all gave him a blank stare before continuing what we were doing. Bakugo and I locked eye contact for a couple seconds before I looked away with a smile.

"Alright guys" I said rubbing my hands together, "Lets get to sharing secrets!"

Oi Oi Oi Erwin PP... Peee Peee

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