Chapter 10

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Your POV

I grabbed my bags (filled with rocks) and dragged my feet to the front door of our beach house. It was two weeks before school started and our dads decided to head back to go school shopping before it's too late. Meaning, I was leaving my hunkiness.

I was sad, I think over the time I had spent with the boys I had grown to like a particular blonde.

"Cmon lil lady, scoot your boots." My dad said patting me on the head as I threw my stuff in the trunk. I sighed, looking over just to see Bakugo looking at me from his beach house, smiling at me. Damn he hot.

"Can we stay a little longer?" I look over Jai and Aizawa who were discussing murder.

"Jai, the sun is setting"

"Can we stay until then?"

He looked at me and I gave him the widest puppy dog eyes ever until my dad nodded and they both said yes.

"You both have an hour, now go say bye to your friends before we head home."

Me and Jai high five as I turned around to run in slow motion to Bakugo with Jai walking normally besides me.

After running in slow motion half way I got tired and walked normally until we got up to them.

"We've got an hour before we leave" I said looking at Bakugo, staring at his red eyes that bore into my skull like a jack hammer. He nodded, as did Todoroki who spawned out of nowhere and scaring the shit out of me.

We all agreed to spend the rest of the hour we had left along the shore. As it turns out, they're leaving shortly as well, Bakugo said it most likely will be in a couple of days.

After a while of laughing together and watching the sun slowly fall and darken the sky, me and Bakugo found ourselves walking a little slower than the group. Though I didn't mind, I could feel the swift heartbeat thumping in my chest when I found myself with him.

I looked ahead of me and seen Jai and Todo holding hands, I gasped quietly and nudged Bakugo pointing ahead. "Psst, pay up!" Bakugo rolled his eyes and dug a five out of his pocket and gave it to me. "You're lucky, if you guys had left I would have won." I smirked and pocketed the money. "Hater" I widened my eyes seeing him with a handful of sand.

"B-Bakaka don't you dare- AH-" I ducked as he threw the wet sand at my stomach. He laughed. He has such a beautiful laugh. So full of confidence and joy. So full of life, it makes me want to stay in this moment forever. I stopped moving ahead, Bakugo stopped as well, confused.

"Why'd you stop? You alright?" His deep voice sent shivers down my spine. I noticed Jai and Todo run by us, saying they were gonna go watch the sunset leaving me and Bakugo alone.

I looked at him unable to say anything, suddenly being extremely shy. 'If I was never gonna see him again, shouldn't I just tell him my feelings now? Yeah. YEAH I GOTTA IT'S NOW OR NEVER-'

"Hello? Earth to y/n?" He waved his hand in front of my face and I snapped out of my trance. Looking up at him I took a deep breath.

"Katsuki Bakugo, I have a crush on you and you're really hunky. Thank you for your time." I panic and turn around to leave with a huge blush on my cheeks only for him to grab my shoulders and turn me back around his way.

His face was beat red from blushing and he was slightly chewing on his lip, something I noticed he did when he was thinking or nervous. "It's okay if you don't like me back-" I was rudely interrupted by a pair of warm lips being pressed against mine.

I was shocked at first, though soon melted into it as if I were waiting for this the whole summer. My hands gently held his face while his arms wraped aroound my waist. My heart was beating so fast it hurt and I couldn't tell how many seconds had passed or even if it had been minutes.

We finally parted when we heard someone clearing their throat, regrettably that someone was my father standing there with his arms crossed and his eyebrow raised. Bakugo and I jumped off each other, looking away in embarrassment.

"I hope you enjoyed summer break, or we'll- someone, during the break." He coughed nudging his head over towards Bakugo. "Anyways, it's time to hit the road chickadee, we wanna beat the traffic."

I sighed, "okay, I'll be there in a second. Is that okay?" He sighed, nodding suspiciously and eyeing us before walking to the car. I turned to Bakugo noticing a blush remaining on our faces.

"Text me?" He asked, again chewing on his lip.

I nodded. "Call me?"

He nodded.

I walked up to him, giving him one last kiss on the cheek with my hands resting behind my back. "See you in the future Katsuki." I turned around, trying hard to hold back an ear to ear grin as I met up with Jai and our dads.

I don't think I'll ever regret my first kiss, with the boy I fell for down by the water.

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