Chapter 7

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Alright lads, here we are in the warzone. Four teenagers playing hide and seek at midnight is deadly. PLUS WE HAD NURF GUNS- I got hit in the eye with a foam bullet when I was younger, Jai witnessed it and It was traumatic. The first ones that were hiding were me and Jai cause we were in teams, and I thought It was a great idea to hide in the kitchen cupboards.

We were found.

"Really? This was your 'groundbreaking' idea?" Bakugo sarcastically said pinching the bridge of his nose with Todoroki standing right next to him. And with a smirk, Todo shot the both of our legs. I frowned and crawled out of the crowded area as they helped us up. Such gentlemen. Bakugo's hands were warm in contrast to my cold ones. DAMN his arms are fucking beefy holy mother of muscle-

"Are we switching teams?" Todoroki asked interupting my thoughts as he reloaded his nurf gun and blowing the fake smoke away. I seen Jai cover her mouth to try and stop herself from laughing, which only made me laugh more. Bakugo walked up to Todoroki and snatched the gun out of his hand leaving Todo with an angry look etched onto his face. "Whats the big idea pal" Jai went silent and we looked at each other before laughing harder.

"Oh shut up you put the bullet in backwards I was fixing it for you"


"Yeah yeah now go 'oh' somewhere else, I'm counting this time so lets choose our team. Me and y/-" I interupted Bakugo raising my hand in a panicked fret. "ME AND TODO BRO ARE ON A TEAM, YOU GUYS ARE COUNTING-"

I grabbed Todoroki's arm, pulling him alongside me to run and hide before they could protest. "Where are we going??" He asked frantically as I was pulling him towards his inevitable demise, I didn't answer and pulled him towards my bathroom whipping open the shower curtain and yanking him inside. Looking over at his confused and slightly horrified face he slowly started to back away hitting the edge of the tub. "Look y/n just leave me alone, I'll give you my lunch money tomorrow" I tiled my head raising an eyebrow. "What-? You know what nevermind that, I wanted you on my team for a reason. We need to talk."

He looked at me with widened eyes and he started to tear up. "Are you b-breaking up with me??" I covered his mouth chuckling at him. "Shh! They're gonna hear us this is no time for jokes." He smiled and nodded, we heard the front door open and close signaling they had went outside. Todo still whispered tho. "So why'd you pick me as your teammate? Usually you give a whole spiel about why you should be Katsuki's teammate or push me towards Jai-"

"That's exactly why I brought you to my office this evening my good man, I hereby declare this, the trial of your crush on Jai!" I grinned mischievously (we dont talk about Brun- no? okay...... encantoisagoodassmoviethoughyoushouldgowatchit). Todoroki's face immediatly turned a deep crimson red and he frantically turned his head away avoiding me.


"Listen Todo, man to man, I know Jai's crushin on you too" He looked at me questionably before running his pale hand through his hair. "Okay Okay I like her, was it obvious? I thought I hid it so well.." He sadly looked down at the floor of the tub while I gave him a blank stare. "Boi yes mf what- Anyways we need to establish a game plan."

He looked up with some weird ass puppy dog eyes, and I only say 'weird' because his face was monotoned and expressionless, just with sparkling eyes. "But what if she doesn't like me bac-" I shoved a washcloth in his mouth before he could continue with the typical cliche. "Dude stfu, she does. Trust me I would know out of all people. You fell in love with Jai when you first laid eyes on her, you broke ass mf" He rubbed his chin and thought while spitting out the washcloth. "Alright fine. So whats the plan?"

I shrugged. "I dunno, people who have plans usually end up failling so we should just go apeshit."

"Yes. I wanna go ape shit too"

"Yeah lets bring it on! Team y/noki is a go!- AHHH"

Bakugo slammed the door open with clenched teeth, a reddened face, and steam blowing out of his ears. "YOU'VE BEEN IN THE FUCKING TUB THE WHOLE TIME?!?!?!!?"

Jai and Bakugo looked over at us confused before Jai started arguing with Bakugo about some bet they made which he apparently lost, earning them to start bickering.

When they looked back at us we had snacks somehow, hats, and them big ass hand gloves that you wear at sports games. Bakugo face palmed and walked out with Jai, telling us to 'hurry our asses up and count' because it was their turn.

So there we were, two bros on a misson to find another pair of bros in this insane game of hide and kill- I mean go seek. "So where do you think they-"

"The closet with the shells. 100% It's the closet with the shells and no one can convince me otherwise." looked at him, and for some reason the wind was blowing and he puffed out his chest, pretending and failing to be in some slow-mo movie or videogame cutscene. "Todobro stop, lets just go look for them.

"Okay, and while we're at it we can talk about your crush on Katsuki." I froze. Todoroki stopped when he realized I wasn't moving anywhere despite the door to his beach house being right in front of us.

"I don't have a crush on-"

"Oh save it, aren't I supposed to be the dumberest one here? If I can connect the dots and you can't then I must be smarter than you." He said cleaning out his ear with his pinky finger.

Was he right? I mean me and Bakugo do sleep closer to each other when we sleep in sleeping bags on the floor, and we make breakfast together and we watch movies when Jai and Todoroki are sleeping in, and he likes my dad and we all hang out, and we fall asleep on each other sometimes which is what I like the most, and- wait. What I like the most??? Oh my fucking flipping flapper jacker pancakes.

Yeah no this wasn't a surprise, we're four single teenagers almost alone on a beach for two whole months and we spend everyday together. PLUS- HE'S SO FUCKING FINE LIKE WHERE YOU GET DEM ABS???

"Okay fine I like him,, damn Todo you actually sounded pretty smart."

"Thanks" He said stretching and walking into his house. We went to the closet, opened it carefully without making any shells fall to their doom (todo said he had a secret touch), and ended up not finding them at all. "Damnit." Todo sighed and shut the door gracefully before looking around with me tagging along.

We searched high and low, far and wide and no boneheads could be seen anywhere, UNTIL-

"Todo! Look! Look!" Todoroki came over to where I was standing and looked at me confused. "A mirror?" I Nodded, telling him 'yes!' and that we were the most sexiest bitches alive, and then we both agreed that Jai and Bakugo were the sexiest alive, which turned into a heated discussion about us being too ugly for them because they were practically gods but then we went on about needing self love and we finally came to a conclusion that we were all the sexiest bitches alive.

We were just about to give up when I heard slight yelling coming from the closet right next to the one with the shells. "Aha!" I ran over and swung the door open only to reveal a snowey wintery place. I rubbed my eyes only to see it dssapeared and just some shirts hanging with two shadows behind them. "Thats it Todo I can't find them, I thought I heard noises though!"

Todo walked over to where I was, looking at the shadows and smiled with his Nurf gun. "Paybacks a bitch, but just so you know so is rusman." He said shooting Jai on the leg, while Bakugo on the other hand got shot on the forehead leaving a big red mark. "Ow Shoto! We said no faces!" He was quiet for a moment before a sudden realization. "DAMNIT WE FORGOT TO SHOOT YOU GUYS" Jai rolled her eyes.

"You did, I didn't" She said pulling out her fucking Ak47 lookin ass nurf gun. I tugged on Todo's sleeve. "Run." I whispered before we took off into the night with Jai and Bakugo chasing after us.

Make poop by mr saftey is a funny song

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