six feet under

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tell me why am i at the diner on my day off again? oh right because i forgot i was supposed to help mark and elizabeth put up all the decorations for halloween, which is tomorrow, and when they called to confirm this afternoon, i was a little too busy napping with billie so that of course, made us both get upset at the fact i was gonna have to be gone for god knows how long. i've grown so attached to billie's presence that being away from her feels strange, almost as if i can't function properly without her.

it's almost 11 pm and i miss her a little too much so once i'm done cleaning up the counters, i slide into one of the booths and send billie a simple "imy.. <3 i'll be home soon" truth is, i do miss her like a lot but i'm not trying to sound that desperate.

not even two minutes go by and she sees my text. i stare at my screen waiting for the three dots to appear but they don't, so i think maybe she's.. busy ???

but it's like 11, so.. busy doing what!

again, i don't want to come off as desperate so i decide to send her another text, this time with a photo attachment of a posable furry spider about the size of my fist that was sitting on my booth.

this 'little' friend and i
are going to cuddle with u
as soon as we get home. <3

billie's been talking my head off about getting a pet tarantula and even when i told her no because they're scary and a huge responsibility just like any other pet, she's still been saving money to buy one and all the essential supplies it needs. so i may or may not be ending this year with a tarantula living in my house as well.

once again she leaves me on read and this is when i decide to call her. three seconds later, she answers.

"yoo what's up" i hear her say.

more like what's up with you.

"hi.. did you get my texts? i'll be home soon.. i've missed you, its been boring without you here" the last few words come out of my mouth sounding more like a whisper considering mark and elizabeth are still around and i don't want them hearing and then interrogating me about my love life.

"oh that's cool, but i'm not home at the moment" as soon as she says that i hear her cough and people laughing and going all 'ooooh' on the other end.

um... wtf

"oh. you're not..?" i chuckle dryly trying to appear unaffected but expecting her to elaborate.

"i'm with some friends now, but come give me kisses as soon as you're done"

she proceeds to share her location with me and my confussion leaves me in complete silence for a few seconds until billie speaks again.

"you good mama??"

"yeah.. yeah, i'm okay i'll see you soon and text you when i'm almost there" i rush out and hang up not even giving her time to say anything or to myself to question her.

what in the end world is she even doing with her 'friends' in a cemetery!!!!

damn, tis the season to be spooky i guess.


"sydney are you sure this is the right place?" mark questions as he drives slowly through the gates. unlike ryan, mark is a total sweetheart and respectful and to be fair, pretty good looking as well, but that's besides the point. he's basically like the big brother i never had, always so protective and understanding. i trust him. which is partially why i asked him to drive me to the cemetery instead of ubering here with a total a stranger.

MY SAFE HAVEN  |  billie eilish.Where stories live. Discover now