awkward encounters

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"sydney, please get table 6 for me, i need to use the restroom real quick" poppy, my coworker, tells me and i nod in her direction before going over to booth number 6 to take their order and give it to donna, who has been in the kitchen with bill slaving for hours.

in comparison to last week, today has been a pretty busy day. the second a costumer walks out, another one walks in and i think that's exactly why donna and bill love their job and being here so much. the year i moved to long beach, donna's father, the founder of frankie's diner, had recently lost his battle to cancer, and she was contemplating shutting down the place forever, that way she wouldn't have to deal with the constant reminder of her father being gone. luckily, that's when bill stepped in, and with his help donna came to the realization that her father had done so much for their community throughout the years, that it would be downright disrespectful not to continue his legacy of making other people happy, even if that meant simply serving them a plate of scrambled eggs. now they run the kitchen, and their three children, mark, ryan and elizabeth are in charge of the entire diner.

"sydney.. table 2 now, please" i turn to see elizabeth, who's my boss, standing behind the counter while i'm busy taking an order.

"yeah, i know i'll get that one in a minute" i say to her over my shoulder as i simultaneously try not to mess up this man's order.

i like elizabeth, but for the longest time she's been trying to set me up with ryan and that's just a no from me. i don't see how she keeps failing to notice that all her brother probably wants me for is sex. correction. that is all he wants me for.

"so watcha wearing tonight?" poppy asks in my ear once she sneaks up behind me as i'm heading back to the kitchen.

"wait... she invited you too?" i ask slightly confused, not stopping for a second while going back and forth between the kitchen and the tables i have to serve.

"paul texted me saying he'll be there, so he told ryan to tell elizabeth to tell me i'm also invited" with a almost juvenile smile plastered on her face, she follows behind me talking about tonight. and just like that, i'm envious of somebody else's plans again. she's got a date, and i don't. god, how i wish ryan weren't such a fuckboy, then maybe just maybe i'd consider going out on a date with him.


"here you go sydheart" a giggle slips past my lips when bill calls me that while handing me over another glass of soda.

sydheart = sweetheart


it's been a little over an hour since i caved and came to their house to enjoy their always so delicious food. but of course, i'm sure they all must think i'm here just for ryan.

and speaking of the devil...

"hey syd. what's up? listen, we ran out of ice so i'm gonna go get a few bags back at frankie's. wanna come? i could really use an extra set of hands to help me" he says his last line with a playful grin spreading across his face and it takes everything in me not to barf seeing how pathetic he is. i wonder how many girls he's used that line on before...

"so...? are you coming with me?" he asks and holds his hand out for me, somehow convinced i am gonna grab it. i don't know why i nod my head yes, but i do. i shove my hands into my hoodie pockets and we make our way towards his car, where i'm surprised to see poppy and paul waiting in the backseat.

"they're coming too?" i ask ryan as i walk over to the passengers side to hop inside the car.

"yes, they are. it feels like a double date now, doesn't it?" he winks my way and hops inside the car as well,


in that moment i swear i regret agreeing to this. at least i have poppy around to make me want to kms a little less.  

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