Chapter 5

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Danielle's POV

I was punched by the police officer right after he took me in because of a "runaway".

Wakes up

Uhhh! My head hurts so much!!! I felt my cheek and its already swollen. I miss Vic. Do I actually love him? I....I miss him and love him.. Whoa slap out of it Danielle! Your being kidnapped!!! "hello?!!!Anyone there!!" I yelled with dried tears on my cheek. I heard foot steps. I think we were in that abandon house that this officer took me to. "Hey you! Your up!!! Remember me?" The guy said and smiled big. Oh no! My dad!!! I froze and couldn't look away from him. "I thought you did, now let me finish what I started. I must kill you! I HAVE TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT OVER YOU EVERY FUCKING MONTH!!! I can un make you you know.". He said.

I turned around away from him an tried to crawl out of the window but was pulled back by my dad grabbing my hips. "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!" I said and screamed to my life. "Shut up bitch!! I'm not finished!" My dad Jax said. He covered my mouth and held me down and ripped my clothes off. I cried and screamed but it was no use. He spread my legs and I kicked him in the face even though I knew I was going to get hit and closed my legs. He got up and screeched and then kicked me multiple times in the stomach. I was then very numb and I couldn't speak because I was sore and blood came running out of my mouth not letting me speak. He then re opened my legs and got what he wanted. It hurt so bad even though my body was getting number and colder. My own fucking dad took my virginity. And soon, everything goes black. I was about to close my eyes when I heard sirens. "Ugh!! Bitch!! Fuck if I ever see you again, I promise you, I WILL kill you and I mean it! Watch you back Missy!!" Jax said before giving me a stab with a knife. This was it. I was gone. He stabbed me in my stomach. I fell down and he took the knife out of me and left. *deeply breaths*

Vic's POV

I told the police what had happened and they said they didn't have a "Jax" working for the police. I knew his name because when he came to my side of the door of the car, I saw his badge.
I started worrying and told them what had happened about him taking Danielle. As soon as I told them, a women said, "I need back up for highway 44! Immediately!!" "What's going on?" I said looking confused. "Look Sir, we know who your talking about, Jax Perry. He's the father of Danielle Perry, that's his daughter...His records hold files with him being a molester and he has sexually assaulted her before.." She said.

Oh god. Oh no. I ran out to my car and went high speed on my way to Highway 44. I drove and drove. I approached at dead end at highway 53. Took me a long time to get here but I made it. There was a couple of abandon houses. I went in the first on and saw blood. Oh no!!! Please don't tell me Dan-...... I saw Danielle laying there, naked, and blood everywhere. She was stabbed!!!!! "Danielle!?!!!! BABY GIRL! STAY UP!! HEY LOOK AT ME IM HERE!" I said while crying. She was very cold and I took my sweatshirt off and put pressure on the stab. "Vic" she said softly in her raspy voice. "Yes sweety! I'm here. Where are the ambulance? C'mon I will take you to the hospital" I said picking her up and taking her to the car. On highway 50, I saw many police cars and ambulances. I stopped and got out yelling for help. Cops and paramedics came an took her out of my arms. They drove away while the police stayed. I followed the ambulance and called the boys on the way.

*phone rings/ Mike picks up*

Vic- Are all the boy there!!!!!????
Mike- yes why? Is everything okay?
Vic- put me on speaker now and gather up now!
Mike- sure hang on...*yells in the background for the boys*
Vic- guys!! Danielle in the hospital and so come quick!!! She's dying!!! I yelled in the phone
Tony- what!!! I heard Tony in the background
Mike- we're on our way
*hangs up*

I was still at the hospital waiting for any updates on Danielle. I put my head in my knees and started freaking out. I didn't even notice that boys showed up and Mike came up to me and gave me a hug. Tony and Jaime gave me the saddest looks in their eyes. I pulled away from Mikes hug when the Doctor came. "Victor Fuentes?" The doctor said. My had shot up and I said "yes that's me". " um may I speak to you? Private?" The doctor said an them I nodded. "Hey um, Danielle Victoria Perry.. Well um.."

The doctor began and the stopping. I waved my hand for him to continue.
Then he began, "Shes been sexually and physically abused. She has been stabbed in her stomach but it's going to be okay, she has loss a large amount of blood, fractured 3 ribs because she was kicked repeatedly, bruised jaw, hips, and all the way from her arms to her legs, and umm..." He said. I couldn't speak. I spaced out and sat there. I fainted and fell. "Victor!! Victor hey are you okay?!" Said Mike running up to me while the doctor put me on a bed before I blacked out. 

I woke up and saw myself in a room of white. "Aww shit!" I said as I stood up slowly, feeling a lot of pain in my head. "Hey!! Vic lay back down, doctor said you need a lot of rest okay?" Said Mike getting up an pushing me down to lay me back down. "Vic I need to talk to you, Danielle is in surgery and her insides are giving up. She's dying Vic....." Mike said putting his head in my pellow.

My eyes got very teary and I blinked with warm tears slidding down my cheeks. "When can i-I leave?" I asked with a shaky voice. "Any time Vic." Mike said staring down. I got up and grabbed a pair of clothes Mike brought me. After that I went up to the front of the desk to ask if I could see her but was rejected. "I'm sorry! She's in surgery and they are working on her right now!" She said giving me a sad look. A tear rolled down an I nodded.

(A/n hope you liked it!!!!!vote?!)

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