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Imagine you were the niece of Jon Watts
Warning : Sexual content Spoiler if you have not watched the new Spider-Man than skip this
Also you are 23.

I had watched my Uncle Jon direct Tom to catch Zendaya from falling in the new Spider-Man movie. I was sitting in a chair next to him as the camera man was beside me thinking out loud which was getting annoying. "Cut, cut , cut, cut"! He yelled.

"Everyone take 5". I looked at my uncle and said without looking up from my phone,"Maybe instead of letting Tom aka Peter catch MJ you let Andrew aka Peter save her as Tom aka Peter gets knocked away by one of the villains".

"Hmm that might actually work", he said. "Great thinking geek", once he said that I rolled my eyes and checked Lucas.

I was babysitting for my brother. He and his wife were on a week vacation from their year old boy who was so adorable. He was playing in his little bouncy chair surrounded by everyone on the set.

Next thing I knew he started crying so I stood up and walked to him. "It's ok I'm coming Lucas", I said making my way to him to see Andrew kneeling in-front of him talking to him about how he is the best Spider-Man which made me chuckle.

I somehow made it to him without a struggle and picked him up. I then started to sing him a lullaby in French because Angie, his mom, always sang it in French to get him to sleep.

"scintille scintille petite étoile comment je me demande ce que tu es au-dessus d'un monde si haut comme un diamant dans le ciel scintille scintille petite étoile comment je me demande ce que tu es", everyone smiled at me singing to him yet no one understood a thing, I could tell.

Andrew snuck up behind me and whispered something in my ear within the lines of ,"you're so beautiful", or " that was so beautiful". It didn't matter to me which one was said. He complimented me in public despite our secret relationship that so far everyone is oblivious to.

Which It's a good thing that they know nothing about us.

A few hours later

Everyone was packing up when my uncle asked to have a word with me. " so what's up with you and Andrew", he asked. "Oh..uh.. nothing", I said stumbling all over my words. Yet something told me he didn't buy it. "I know y'all are dating", he confronted. I went to say something but he cut me off " y'all both are great kids I already talked to him you know, about what happens if he breaks your heart".

I smiled and rolled my eyes at the same time. Then Lucas started to tug at my arm and started babbling. I smiled and looked at my uncle and said,"well lovely seeing you but I have to go and put him to bed...Lucas say bye". "B-bwy", he said and squealed. "Bye", I said. "Bye".

I walked out of the studio and saw Andrew talking to Tobey, Tom, and Zendeya. I walked past them when Zendaya said," hey can I see the little one". I turned around and said sure.

As Zendaya held Lucas he started to drool all over, yet she started to laugh. Andrew looked at me up and down with a smirk playing on his lips. She then handed him back to me as he started to fall asleep. "You have an amazing voice", she said and I smiled. "Thank you" I said. She just nodded and told everyone she was leaving which everyone just said bye.

I went to leave when his hand brushed over mine on purpose sending shivers up my spine. I got Lucas buckled into his car seat. And put his bouncy chair into the trunk of the car.

After I had arrived at my house I set Lucas into the spare crib my brother set into one of my guest rooms. I started the shower extra hot since it was September and was a bit too chilly today despite the other hot as hell days.

I started to undress and got into the shower. I was about to put shampoo in my hair when I heard the doorbell ring. I turned the shower off and got out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked down the steps to the little hallway to where the front door leads.

I looked through the peep whole and saw it was Andrew. I unlocked the door and opened it a little bit for him to push the door open which he did. "Ooh can I join", he asked with a smirk on his face. "No", I said and walked away back up the stairs yet he still followed me.

"Come on darling", he begged. I shook my head and shut the door to the bathroom that was in my room. But I had an idea. I turned the shower back on once I heard my bed springs make a sound. I cracked the door a little bit enough for him to see me through the almost fogged up mirror. I then dropped my towel and heard a sigh. I started massaging my shoulders then opened and shut the glass door. I then heard the door creak open all the way as I started to hum.

The sound of movement happened behind me as I started applying shampoo to my hair. The glass door then opened and in came Andrew. He started massaging my shoulders as I stood under the shower head rinsing my hair.

His hand movement stopped and he started kissing behind my ear making his way down to my collar bone and up to my lips. He then grabbed my loaf and poured a bit of my body wash on it and started rubbing it all over. He then turned me around got down to his knees and started rubbing all over my legs till he got to the place I wanted him at the most. He kissed me again but this time it was more heated.

"You know I can tell the difference between the water making you wet and me making you wet", he said after pushing a finger into me then taking it out. Leaving me empty, he turned around then left grabbing one of the spare towels I keep lying around.

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