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No warning. Fluffy. Idk why I even bother to put warnings on the chapters when this book already says 18+.

Today my family, on both my mom and my dads side, is going on a little vacation to my grandma and grandpa's house. My mom has a friend May. Which she is also coming along as with her nephew Peter. Peter Parker. Which so happens to be my brother's , Jaxton, best friend. Which also happens to be my all time crush.

Jaxton and I are a year apart. When he brings his friends over they always pick on me. When I say pick on me I mean they pull pranks on me. Just last month they put purple dye in my shampoo. I was so relieved when it was only temporary and not permanent.

Sometimes when they prank me I prank them back. For example, I put roaches and mice in one of my brothers friends backpack at school once because he shoved me into a janitor closet. Knowing I was claustrophobic.

Anyway. I was in a car that consists of Jaxton, Peter, May, my mom, my dad, and my little sisters Iza and Lilly which were identical twins.
They are 9 years old and literally do the switch-a-roo on us.

Well I had to take one for the team and sit with Peter and Jaxton. I wanted to sit on the end so I wouldn't have to be in the middle of their conversation, literally, but of course they both took it making me sit in between them.

We were only an hour and a half in when I started to get grossed out by the two of them talking about girls they've hooked up with. You might be thinking 'well why doesn't she just go to sleep'. That would be a great idea if I wasn't genuinely scared of what they might do to me.

Peter is genuinely nice, but when he is with my brother they literally raise hell. It's awful just to be in the same room with them. Let alone the same vehicle with them. I'm in a five mile radius of them and I might die before I get to grandma and grandpa's house.

Eventually they fall asleep to the sound of jazz being played by my dad. Obviously it's 'I'm driving I get to listen to what ever I want' kind of day.

I pulled out my brother's head phones and plugged them into my phone. Listening to my music for over 30 minutes.

I started slowly closing my eyes letting a deep slumber take over me. As I was about to go to sleep I feel someone lay their head in my lap. Knowing Jaxton's head was on my shoulder it had to be Peter's. I opened my eyes a little bit to see it was Peter.

I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

{time skip}

I woke up to both of the guys sitting next to me talking very loud. I rubbed my eyes and looked at them and said, " it's rude to wake a lady up when she is sleeping". "You're hardly a lady", said Jaxton. I rolled my eyes and looked at Peter. Who was evidently looking out the window to the sign that said 'WELCOME TO VIRGINIA'.

Finally we made it I started to get antsy from sitting back here through this torture. Well Peter wasn't the problem it was my stupid brother.

We had gotten to grandma and grandpa's house. We unloaded the car and made conversation with the rest of the family that was already here.

I walked past Peter, Jaxton, and my grandpa. As I was walking by Peter accidentally brushed his hand against mine making me blush.

Later that evening we started getting ready for dinner. All the guys were in the living room watching football while all the women were in the kitchen either cooking, drinking wine, or just bitching and watching everyone parading around the kitchen.

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