Chapter II

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"The fuck you mean, Clarie" he growls.

"Mind your language, Carlos" she says in a sharp voice.

"To hell with it. You could've been more cautios" turns his back to her.

"So now you are going to put that on me? Not my fault that you can't keep your dick in your pants" shoves an index finger at his back.

"Mind it, Clarie!" turns around and grabs her wrist.

"Oh so now you realise it. Huh!" she huffs.

"Fuck!" he growls.

"Why don't you just man up a little bit and own it?" she says in a tight and sharp voice.

"Tell me you are joking Clarie, fucking 3 months passed by and now you realise to tell me that you are pregnant" voice going down a little bit while he grabs her arms.

"Look in the mirror, Carlos, and then you'll realise why I was afraid. And that turned out to be true" her voice going down by several decibels.

"The fuck you want me to do. I can't" he shouts while losing his shit.

"The hell you mean you can't, it's our child Carlos" shaking with anger.

"You don't understand the situation. Now you look in the mirror and ask yourselves our ages. For fuck's sake we are barely 21" practically breathing heavy.

"We can do it, if you own it" she says softly.

"You are late on that lecture Clarie and you have no idea how my world works" in a not so obviously angry tone.

"I am not asking to join your world, all I am asking you- is to be the father to your child" softer than ever.

An hour has been passed by since the revelation and I've been watching the drama unfold. Clarie is 3 months pregnant and about to enter the 4th one when today she drops the bomb on Carlos while we were working on the papers of the shipment of our latest supplies of weapons.

Carlos lost his shit and went silent for a good 15-20 minutes and is raging uselessly on nothing while Clarie is calm throughout all of it. What I don't understand is that last I knew Carlos never mentioned anything serious with Clarie and now she's standing here and is pregnant.

I haven't even taken a heavy breath let alone speak a word all the time when they were having one hell of an argument. But as much I can support my brother, father is going to lose his shit and Carlos is gone for good this time for sure.

Rest in peace little brother! Will drop your favorite whiskey to your grave every single year on your birthday.

Clarie sniffs lightly which makes me turn my head to Carlos who was slouched on the couch deep in thoughts. He looks more pissed to himself in contrast to the amount of rage he dropped on Clarie.

From all my past year analysis, I can pretty sure make out a little that Clarie has taken a liking or should I say something more than liking in Carlos and would go any heights to be with him. While my idiot brother was just fooling around her as he knew the risks of showing the mafia world to her. But what this moron should've done was- not to approach her let alone have a fling with her.

As for now Clarie is pregnant and none of these two have a slightest drop of idea on what should be done and as far my knowledge goes she is beyond late to drop the baby and even this idea in my own head sounds horrendous and makes me want to wash my brain with acid and rub my tongue with alcohol until it goes dry.

Things could've been worst was what I thought but I take that back as my father just entered the room to which I straighten but Carlos being unfazed is lost and so fucking lost that even a gunshot is not shaking him up.

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