Chapter XVII

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A week later...

"Julia died, Xavier."

Julia is dead and so is my child!

"the bullet hit her right to her heart and she collapsed before we could take her to hospital. She didn't make it till the hospital doors."

"what about my child?"

"the hospital authority said the baby didn't make it. the thing we found out is that they declared your and Julia's child dead."

The cool breeze runs past through me, rustling the dead leaves fallen to the ground but they just let out a small jump instead of being swept away, just like my heart. But the truth was that my heart was buried six feet down in the same soil on which the leaves were rustling.

Julia Eleanor Robinson and Jeremiah Jason Robinson

The names on the tombstone were like a fire to my crushed heart. Pathetic, that how it wasn't even her true name!

"Jeremy died too, five bullets to his chest. He had come back for Julia but before he could reach her, he got shot too."

Be brave and fight with a smile and a blade.

Eat and live before you plan your words for your tombstone.

The white tulips were oddly out of place among the white roses near the tombstones. But they were for Julia.

"I love you, Xavier" and I fell down on my knees when the memory hits my head.


My eyes were about to get blinded the moment I opened them. The pounding of my brain inside my skull was unbearable and so were the lights of the room. With the back of my hand, I cover my eyes, once comfortable I open them to see I was lying in my room. IV drips connected to my forearm and bandages across my trunk and arm.

A minute later, a sharp pain raises through my upper body and to sooth it I lean my head to the headboard, close my eyes and inhale sharply. The door opens and I could hear a few steps. "Xavier" I hear my father's voice and open my eyes to see him holding Lucas in his arms and Elliot was standing behind him.

"Where is Julia?"

They don't answer me, just watch me with down casted eyes. My father walks towards my bed and sits on the edge of it. Lucas was chewing on his toy and giggles when his eyes find mine.

"Where is Julia?" I shout.

Elliot clears his throat and gulps, "Julia is dead, Xavier."

Blood leaves my body and I freeze. I stutter, "that can't be truth, she is alive. Where is she Elliot?" The pain of my wounds was nothing compared to the pain I was feeling when those words slipped past Elliot's mouth. I wish he could take them back and Julia walks in the room from behind him.

I suppress my urge to shout, throw the things to wall and the strong urge to scream, "fucking tell me Elliot where is Julia?"

"son" –father says- "she is dead."

"what happened?" I ask after I gulp down the lump of my misery.

"Zack betrayed us. He was with Lawrence and Carlos this whole time. When me and our other men came out to find you and Donna on their knees I saw he shot David. Arthur shot Julia. The bullet you had in your arm also came from Zack. Zack even killed Jeremy."

"where are these bastards?"

"as per your father's orders we have tied them up in our cell, Zack and Arthur."

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