Somewhere in an alternate universe.......

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This is an 'alternate ending' chapter where Julia was never shot. Her and Xavier raised Hailey and Lucas together, having 'a happy ending'.

Here, Hailey and Chris have an arranged marriage and the plot of 'the fate played' remains the same except that Hailey had both of her parents and the unnecessary family drama never happened but before proposing Hailey, Chris goes to Xavier and Julia for permission.



Xavier was standing at the door, watching Chris tuck Hailey under the sheets and kissing her forehead. When the Langford family had proposed this arranged marriage I had a feeling that my daughter was going to end up with a narcissist asshole but boy when Chris was raging at that bastard for hurting my daughter I was partly relieved that she was in safer hands.

Chris and Lucas just bought Hailey home after she was discharged from the hospital. This was the most terrible week of my life, watching my daughter fight for her life.

I'd personally made sure that those bastards never got a chance to experience what death was like because they were not going to die just yet. A few more years of torture was pending for them then they can rot in hell.

Chris walks towards Xavier who had stepped aside for the door to be closed. "You are staying, right?" I ask Chris. He nods, "I am not going anywhere."

Footsteps thud on the floor, all heads snap in the direction to see Lucas, Enzo and a few others standing. Lucas clears his throat, "I've given a double check to everything. Nothing more left in the Jaimeson case."

Xavier nods, turns to Chris and asks, "Langford, you sure you don't have any shitheads left because" -voice deeping in a threatening manner- "trust me, a minor scratch to my daughter and your ass is done."

Chris gulps, face devoid of any emotion, "no, I don't."

"good for you", Lucas says.

"you people" -I say- "will you let my daughter have her rest?" They look at me as if I've grown extra heads. I huff, "clear the space you guys are disturbing her."


Xavier was in front of me within the next second. I jab a finger in his chest, "you people should not be fighting here. Hailey needs rest."

He nods, "as you say" -turns to face others- "let's get moving."

I look at the door one more time, relieved that she fought and she won like the fighter she is.

The next few weeks were tough, watching Hailey undergo severe rehabilitation but she was back on her feet faster than we could've thought. Chris was constantly on her head, eat this, eat that, don't do that, do this, have you taken your medicines, what about your water, why are you breathing harshly, is anything wrong and so on.

Hailey went back to stay with Chris saying that she'd be alright. Xavier wasn't ready to let her go just yet but kept her wishes and him being him, hired men to keep an eye around her.

Our little one was not so little anymore!

Hailey and Chris were at home as I had called them for a family dinner.

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