Chapter IX

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My life has taken a full 360, because when a mafia leader convinces you to watch him get coronated -it wasn't exactly coronation one could say, still- gifts you a blade and you befriend his right hand, hasn't life shown you what feels like when you are hanged upside down.

The good part about this situation is that Jeremy and I managed to keep it in covers. I won't want my dad to see me with disgust in his eyes when he finds out that I may or may not have a thing or let alone a fling for the country's new don.

It was evening time and I had convinced Elliot to pick me up so he can take me to Romano. As per the plan I was waiting on the rendezvous point. My eyes catch a male figure walking towards me and I sigh in annoyance.


"yes, Mr Ivanshov."

"You are working with Xavier Romano?" Russell's eyebrow shot up.

I nod, "yes, he offered me a great deal and I couldn't refuse. Any problem?"

He shakes his head, "Just wanted a confirmation. I thought you had deals for us."

"I don't, Mr Ivanshov. I am sorry", I state firmly.

"Sure, not an issue. I'll see you later, Julia", he says in a weird voice and I decide to ignore him.

A black car whose wheels screech on the ground catches my attention. The window on the driver's seat rolls down and Elliot whistles. I jog towards and get in the car. The ride starts and so does the wild beating of my heart. It's been a day I've seen Romano after we had a little hustle with some useless pieces of shit.

"You know you and Clarie are the only female specimen I've seen around Romano brothers. Other than Carlos going out to have some fun in bar, you two are the only female species found around and in Romano mansion."

My lips curl and I take a quick look outside before asking, "How is he?"

"Doing better", he shrugs, "just that his light-headedness is messing with him a little."

I hum in response. "you know that's why I am taking you to him."

"for what?" I frown.

He grins, "to kiss it better."

I smack him on his arm and he winces in pain like some drama queen.

A moment of silence later both of us starts laughing. He recovers quicker than me and says something that shakes my core from within, "you are the first female species that Xavier had allowed himself to get closed too."

"No previous history?" I ask after recovering from the laugh.

He shakes his head, "you know, its actually good to see him like this since the loss of our Lady Romano."


"AH! You wouldn't know, would you?"

"You are talking in puzzles, who is she?" I ask in a firm and serious tone.

"Xavier's mother- Riley Lucien Romano."

"What happened?" I ask, quicker than ever.

He turns to face me for one full second, looks me dead in my eyes and says, "I'll tell you but do not open your mouth in front of him and say I told you the story. The 3 Romanos don't discuss the incident."

I nod and gulp, my throat felt tight.

"Alright, I don't know the exact dates and all but it was some 2 decades back. Our Donna was pregnant with the 3rd child. I don't exactly have the knowledge of how far she was but I can confirm she was pregnant. They were taking her to hospital for some reason and got attacked in the middle by some smaller rival gang. Our former Don, Lucien Romano had jumped to save his wife but a bullet went to and fro his chest and hit his pregnant wife and the next thing they knew was that she was gone. The worst part was that the 2 boys had watched this happen in front of their eyes."

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