Chapter XV

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The drive was feeling slow. The pain rushing through the lower half of the body was intense, similar to menstrual cramps. Anxiety was crawling inside me while thinking about the birth giving process. Clarie was sitting beside me, letting me hold her hand when I wanted to hold Xavier's. "Hurry up, Elliot, it's getting worse", I practically scream in pain, unable to bear it.

"Donna, I can't fly the car, I am trying my best to be as quick as possible", he says while speeding up the engine. "take deep breaths Julia, listen to me, calm down and take deep breaths", comes Clarie's voice. She rubs my hands, a failed attempt to sooth the pain I was feeling.

"Damn it, Elliot, why is it taking so long?" I scream bloody murder due to the sharp rise in the intensity of pain. I couldn't see his face but one could take a guess from the mirror that he was sweating. "5 minutes and we'll be there, please Julia, calm down", he says in a pleading manner.

I cry, tears leaking through my eyes and shutting them tight, I cry in pain, "I can't" -my hands on my belly- "I can't bear it, please, I can't." "we are there Julia, almost there, please, take deep breaths, you'll be fine," -Clarie rubs my hands with hers as gently as she could- "take deep breaths, Julia, listen to my voice. Inhale" -I inhale sharply- "now exhale through your mouth" -I comply to her and after following her instructions for a few times I felt relaxed to some extent but the pain still remained.

"we are there", Elliot announces while he stops the car with a very irritating screeching sound of tires. I couldn't quite make out about the things going around me under the influence of my pain, but I saw Elliot rushing past a cluster of people and Clarie grabbing my bag and opening the door of my side.

A moment later, Elliot and a few people of staff rushes towards me and somehow manage to place me on the stretcher. "I am going to get Jeremy" with that Elliot rushes in the direction opposite to which I was taken. Clarie was rushing with me by jogging a little along with my stretcher.

My hands cup my belly, baby please don't do this to your momma!

The pain was getting worse and I was on the verge of breaking form inside out all while thinking if I had Xavier with me. I was in the room, the medical staff rushing to arrange things, 2 of the females among them rush to me undress and cover me with sheets.

I was very close on screaming bloody murder on the top of my voice when the doctor told me I wasn't ready to push just yet. I exhale through my mouth and seethe, "do something before I kill all of you." That does not works on him and I was wondering if I didn't make my scary looking face accurately. "you are not ready to push Miss, if we ask you to do so, it can create troubles on baby's health", that gets me to shut my mouth but the pain was starting to grow unbearable.

"do you have your husband with you, Miss?" I shake my head, thinking he is somewhere fighting chaos. This was the time I regret letting Xavier to fight enemies instead of being with me and help me here while I push our baby out. My nerves were tangling with each other and I was close on starting to throw things on wall, just to make the pain stop.

It didn't help my anxiety thinking my labour felt more painful than necessary.

The door smashes open, Jeremy and Clarie walk in. Jeremy was panting harshly, "Julia, what happened, are you alright, where is the baby?" I raise a hand and sigh, "I am going through my labour" - I couldn't quite keep it in me not to ask - "where are mom and dad?" He gulps, "they went to the other side of the town, should be back in a few hours." I nod and he continues after holding my hand, "dad broke his silence a month ago and wanted you back but only discussed it with Victor and didn't tell anyone otherwise I could've come to take you back to us."

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