Chapter V

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Xavier Romano has buried himself deep inside my head and my heart and refuses to leave. Who would've thought that dangerous looking mafia prince had a smile. Scratch that, he can fucking grin and god help me with that fucking smirk. This dude really had no idea that I was already weak on my knees for him, just that when I pull back myself into reality the truth spins in front of me. 

Relations with Xavier Romano can be useful as well dangerous at the same time, because when you are a mafia man let alone associated to mafia, you always have a sword hanging on your head. A little distraction and even a fool can have a chance to cut the string and let the sword chomp off your skull. 

Fucking Russell better stay away from me or I will shred off his dick and shove it down his throat. When I made it clear as diamond that neither we wanted to do business nor marriage then the fuck is wrong with his head, if he has a head in first place. The Ivanshovs have some guts to just ignore our refusal and walk around us with their puppy eyes thinking we may melt and let them in, Over my fucking dead body. 

If they don't stop then I, Julia Eleanor Robinson will put a show for them about 'How hell looks on Earth' and a really good show, probably Oscar-worthy. 

"You have a 'angry face', what's wrong my baby sis?" Jeremy's voice snaps me out of my monologue. I look up to see him having an examining gaze on me. I sigh, and grit "nothing, just the fucking Ivanshovs."

He hums and grabs a chair, settles himself, "I saw Russell with you yesterday night while his dumb shit brother was eating my head. We need to give them a really good 'goodbye' because I had enough of the headache." 

The scene from 3-4 days back when Russell was irritating me and Romano walked in plays in my head and suddenly bells ring in my head. The real problem here is me, not problem problem, but the person who actually holds the leash to control the Ivanshovs. I've always known, they don't want business, Russell wants to have me. If I am not available, maybe he'll drop the dreams of having me and go back to whichever gutter he came from. 

And the only key to the lock of our 'Freedom from Ivanshovs' was- Xavier Romano. 

"I'll handle it Jer, just don't discuss anything with them, don't even nod. I have an idea to settle it once and for all", I say while the simple yet dangerous plot was brewing inside my head. The plot sounded risky for me and my heart but for once I had to take a risky step, explore as I wanted to do something other than papers and business deals. 

Romano was a sin I wanted to commit knowing the fact that the outcomes can be deadly but when my heart was ready with it's gear, going back would prove difficult. I was crossing a boundary dangerous for my life, but when life had already showed that our fates kept on crossing, maybe it won't be risky after all. 

Maybe we'll be fine, alright.  

The door opening breaks me out of my plotting mode. Steven walks in. I've only seen him once or twice since his and mine father were business partners, but separated when the streak broke. The business families don't get along much so as to avoid any conflict- a safety measure. I never understood that though. 

He wears a smile on his face when he walks in. "Is Mr.Edward here?" Jeremy and I shake our heads. Steven nods and asks, "Can you tell me...." His words trail off when we hear a loud noise similar to a thud and turn our faces to door. A lady walks in through the open door with an approximately 2 year old baby boy in her arms. 

The baby was cute, his cheeks red and had a playful expression on his face, more specifically a cheeky grin. He was thrashing his arms, giving a hard time to the lady carrying him and was wearing a cute looking jumpsuit in a light shade of blue. 

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