Chapter XIV

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Julia was now 7 months pregnant and I was not able to process the fact that 2 months later I was going to hold the little baby, our baby, mine and Julia's baby in my hands. There had to be some word other than or higher than nervous to describe what I was feeling. As much as Julia always reminds me saying, "you are going to be the best father'" it still scares me to think how I will take care of our little one.

Julia's mood swings and food cravings were one hell of an experience for me. Even at this stage she gets weird food cravings and makes me run for my life. But the most awesome part about this was watching her glow. She was literally shining, the pregnancy glow making her look like some goddess. The baby was sure going to take from his or her mother.

And the most important mystery lies was whether we were going to have a girl or a boy!

To my saying, I'd rather prefer a little Julia running around house and starting chaos, but who knows. As Julia says- what if it's a little Xavier, more precisely little scowling Xavier. If it's a boy, my father was going to have a run for his money.

For the moment, Julia was sleeping on me. No kidding, she was sprawled on my body, head resting on my chest while my hands hold her growing belly. "do you have names in your mind?" she asks.

"do you?" I ask back.

She shakes her head lightly, "I don't plus I want you to name the kid, no one else."

I smile, "if it's a boy we'll name him Marcus and if it's a girl, we'll name her Hailey."

She tilts her head up and looks me in my eyes, "why Marcus and Hailey?"

"Marcus or more like Marco was my grandfather, so yeah."

"and Hailey?"

"my mother wanted to name my sister Hazel, so if I were to name my little girl I'd combine their names, Riley and Hazel, Hailey."

"sounds perfect", she says and I hum in response.

"so Marcus Lucien Romano and Hailey Enna Romano, am I correct?" she says, her eyes gleaming with happiness and joy.

I frown after a nod, "you had middle names in your mind?"

"pretty much!"

"why Enna?"

"I may or may not have heard my father calling my mother Enna, so yeah."

We fell silent for a moment then she lifts her head and says, "how come we are discussing names so late!" realization clear in her voice. I shrug lightly, "we have done it now, doesn't matters."

She smiles but hides her face inside my chest. I could feel the happiness wafting from her, her excitement about having a little one was beyond something measurable. Her mind was constantly running gears, thinking about various situations and things like- would baby like this, would baby like that, would baby be left handed or right handed, would baby like if she teaches him/her how to throw blades, would baby like fruits, would baby like chocolate and all those smaller things that can go inside her head.

I remember I had chuckled when she was thinking about blades and she had glared at me by narrowing her eyes. Even a small sigh escaping my lips was irritating her. This woman was beyond excited to be a mother and I was nervous about being a father.

Sure, I'd manage just fine, but what if I mess up? But before baby, I had plans for the mother.

We were having a walk at the lake side as per Julia's request. The weather was aligned to what I had planned in my head, making it a perfect opportunity for me to jump in. The full moon night with cool breeze that makes the trees and their leaves shiver with water having a perfect reflection of the moon and the nature surrounding it making the atmosphere a beautiful place for me to strike in.

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