Fruits Basket (2001)

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Hello readers! This series is about a girl named Tohru who ends up living with three men, the Sohmas. But they were not just any human but the animals of the zodiac. Anyone from the opposite sex that hugged ended up turning into an animal. Tohru learned a lot about the guys she was living with and even through her difficult times, she found ways to be positive and was even learning some life lessons. Though, she did not have an easy task for she was the Sohmas hope to breaking their curse.

I'll give this series a 7/10. I prefer the art in the 2019 version since it is updated, but the story is the same from what I have seen thus far. Another reason why I liked this anime was because of the character Tohru. Even though she was picked on and even bullied, she continued on like nothing happened and remained her happy positive self. I do believe this story had a moral in it such as accepting a person for who they are. There was quite a bit of innuendos as well as some slap stick comedy put into the mix, so, it had a balance. If you wish to watch it, it is available on plex and funimation. I hope you enjoy this just as much as I did.

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